Friday Toon

December 21, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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  1. That must be where the teachers get their guns.

  2. Mr. LaPierre said the NRA has a Full-employment Plan that will kill 2 birds with 1 bullet. The NRA will see to it that all 50 states… beginning with Texas… will pass an NRA-drafted uniform law hiring special school security officers who will be armed to the teeth with military fully automatic assault weapons. Preference will be given veterans of Afghanistan & Iraq with combat experience, but without PTSD. No taxes will be needed to purchase such weapons, which will be purchased or contributed through donations to the NRA. Gun clubs & similar organizations may participate by contributing such weapons. Training will be provided, in addition that already gained by military or law enforcement experience, by the NRA sponsored special program.

    What a deal! All state leges & school districts should grab it & run!!!

  3. Forgot – uniforms will be specially designed just for schools so kids can recognize who the good guys are. I’m thinking maybe purple??

  4. Don’t scoff… someone has to do it & obviously the NRA et al can’t trust the Obama Admin to do it up right. Besides the NRA has $400 million to play with & members are wondering what exactly are their execs doing with all that money. ~ Okay, I’ll stop ranting & get off my soapbox now so I can get gifts wrapped, etc. since Christmas Eve is on Monday.

  5. News Flash, as seen on last night’s local news coverage in Abilene-town…. the City Council approved a $96,000 proposal to purchase assault rifles (of some sort, they all just look black and mean to me) for the Abilene police force. Over 24 pay periods a portion of the policeman’s salary will go toward the officer’s purchase of said rifles… in other words the City is doing the upfront cost for the purchase of these nasty weapons of mass destruction, but about a year from now, the weapon will become the sole property of the officer. Oh boy.

    I owned a travel agency once upon a time in Denver, and the Denver Police Dept’s shrink was about 3 doors down the hall in my office building. Anytime an officer was involved in a shooting, they had to go in for psychiatric counselling for PTSD, prior to being able to return to active duty. I got to be pretty good friends over the years with the head shrink and the other counselors, over lunch, drinks after work, etc. The reception area of my travel agency was a pretty busy place, there was always a cop or two hanging out, looking at travel brochures, booking vacations while they were off from the force. They probably told my travel agents more about what was going on in their head than they initially did their counsellors…. Doc Tom also insisted that their families come in for a session or two, too. A whole lot goes on inside the family whether an officer is either the shootee or the shooter, and Denver was ahead of the curve in many respects on the issue of PTSD…. That being said, the stereotypical cop wasn’t very excited about having to see a shrink if he got shot, or if he shot someone in the line of duty, and being a casual observer of this phenomena was interesting, to say the least.

    Friends… we have a can of worms that has been opened with this arming of citizens, teachers, etc… All those blusterers can pretend to be tough, but taking another person’s life, regardless of the threat to your own, or those of others around you, will create a ripple effect no one is even taking into consideration. All I can say is “forgive them, they know now what they do.”

  6. Sam in Kyle says:

    @Mz Patti, love the story about Abilene. Abilene is the most outwardly religious town in Texas with three, count em, three large religious colleges. Nothing promotes peace like turning more assault rifles loose in society.

    I for one couldn’t be happier with Wayne LaPierre’s comments. This may not be the end of the world but we are witnessing the decline of the NRA. At a time when compromise could have gone a long way towards soothing public wrath, LaPierre and the NRA brass instead did a Ted Nugent.

  7. Well, the first thing that’s going to happen in the event of another mass shooting is, the police are going to drill the first civilian they see with a gun.

    How much you wanna bet that person is the teacher?

  8. Interesting… $96,000 will provide about 48 semi-automatic handguns or 24 Bushmasters – plus ammo – for a total of 24 officers. The city assumes up-front weapon costs & school district pays wages of off-duty police officers. How many schools are there in Abilene?

    Interesting article in Abilene’s online news:

    Federal Funding of School Security (link below)

    “School officials nationwide have been struggling to maintain safety efforts in the face of recession-driven budget cuts — along with the loss of grant support from the federal and many state governments. Despite the funding cuts, school killings in recent years have dropped.

    A 2010 survey by the Center for School Preparedness at the U.S. Department of Education found that budget cuts had forced many administrators to reduce staff and programs and restructure security departments.”

  9. Tom Trouble says:

    If there are going to be gaurds & guns in schools then I will repeat what my FB friend Dale in Michigan posted. That is that there should be a major TAX on guns and ammo to pay for them. The big shooters should put their money where the mouth is.

  10. Texas is such a delightful social engineering study. It already has the highest homeowners insurance premiums. Insurance companies must be in hog heaven determining how much to charge school districts who have hired guns on the premises. Of course, if Mr LaPierre & NRA directors are right about scaring off the bad guys, there won’t be any claims & insurance companies will make out like white collar bandits. Hummm… their stocks might be good investments about now.

  11. I’d bet the founder of Cerburus took profits already gained from investing in FreedomGroup & turned right around & invested them in the major insurance companies that insure school districts. Maybe even AIG now that the feds have been paid back. Got to follow the money, honey!
