Friday Convention Toon Bonanza
Welcome to The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
My name is Susan DuQuesnay Bankston. I live in Richmond, Texas, in the heart of Tom DeLay's old district. It's nuttier than squirrel poop here.
I am honored and privileged to know Miss Juanita Jean Herownself, hairdresser extraordinary and political maven. Since she does not have time to fiddle with this internet stuff, I type her website for her and you can read it if you want to. If you don't, she truly does not give a big bear's butt.
A lot of what I post here has to do with local politics, but you probably have the same folks in your local government.
This ain't a blog. Blogs are way too trendy for me. This is a professional political organization.
Thanks, Hal. I am in MA right now for a family wedding. Had a slew of toons in a file ready to go in my Google drive (or so I thought). Spent yesterday clipping what I could. Then had tech difficulties with the server not allowing me to upload. Tried again this morning. Must be everyone watching videos of the week, lol. Nice to know someone’s got your back! ONWARD!
1Caught me unawares. I realized you were out of pocket so I improvised. There are better ones out there, I am sure of that.
2Thanks for today’s selection of toons! All trumpf buffoon toons are appropriate.
3And here’s one for today’s news where one weird crazy person is teaming up with another.
Too timely to wait until next week.
4That last one is really beautiful.
5Thanks, Half Empty! There were too many great choices this week to pick favorites!
6Loved all of them!!!