Fox News Lose
Okay, I watched Hillary Clinton’s testimony again last night. Outside of the fact that John McCain really should be taken off the track and put out to stud or something and Rand Paul has Presidential fantasies that make me snort-laugh out of my nose, I had to blink twice when I saw Fox New’s summary of her testimony.
Really, now?
It kinda makes you wonder what they were watching. Anybody who can hear thunder and see lightening did not see what Fox News saw.
But, in their defense, I am absolutely dead solid certain that’s what they wish they saw. And also in their defense, I am certain that they made that cool graphic weeks prior to her testimony and didn’t want to scrap it because cool graphics are hard and confusing.
Honey, she whipped them silly while recovering from a blood clot in her brain. Once that is cleared up, they might want to clear out.
Thanks to Ashley for the heads up.