Fox and Friendlies

April 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump went on Fox and Frends this morning and screwed himself.  Even when they tried to cut him off because it was really obvious that he was screwing himself right there on national teevee, he continued to hump his own leg.

Trump starts off by explaining that Cohen only represents a small portion of his legal work.  That right there is a problem.

The problem is that Trump’s claim that Cohen only deals with a small part of his legal work dramatically complicates his lawyers’ efforts to shield documents seized in FBI raids under the guise of “attorney-client privilege.”

And Trump also admitted that Cohen did, in fact, handle the Stormy Daniels case.

The president admitted on Thursday that Cohen did work on his behalf to reach a nondisclosure agreement with Daniels, who was paid $130,000 just before the 2016 presidential election.

“Like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me and you know, from what I see, he did absolutely nothing wrong,” Trump said.

Okay, so this means that Cohen wasn’t acting on his own?  Well, there ya go.

Let’s hope he’s invited back soon.


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0 Comments to “Fox and Friendlies”

  1. No wonder his lawyers do not want him to talk to Mueller. Can this guy be any dumber?

    Loved Stormy’s lawyer’s reaction.

  2. Trunpkin is popular to a certain part of our population, WHY!? Because trumpkin is so st00pid that he makes them look smart!

  3. What



  4. Old Quaker says:

    come on folks, the president is, like, really smart. A stable genius in fact.

  5. @Old Quaker:

    (To the tune of Gilbert & Sullivan’s Modern Major General)

    I am the very model of a Very Stable Genius.
    I have a mighty button and no problems with my penius.
    I have no time for television, golf, or social media
    Since my brain is way way better than the best encyclopedia.

  6. If Mueller gave Rump a bucket of KFC, he’d totally spill his guts. Maybe Mueller and Miss Stormy should try it…

  7. He’d better eat all of the. KFC he can now as federal prisons are not known to order out.

  8. maryelle says:

    Impeachment is too good for these guys.
    Indictments all the way.

  9. twocrows says:

    Trumpster isn’t the only one. Hannity also said, right out loud for everyone to hear, “Cohen? Never heard of the guy. He sure never did any legal work for me!”

    These guys desperately need to get the memo, “Hey! You’re in a hole! Quit digging!”

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    “If the Republic is saved just because the people trying to steal it are dumb, I’ll take it.” — Charles P. Pierce

  11. WA Skeptic says:

    If this is how well he defends himself in the USA, the thought of how well he’ll defend the USA in talks with North Korea makes my blood run cold.

    Can’t we make him eat some romaine just before the meeting so someone else that is coherent can talk to Kim Jong Un??

  12. Pia Holm says:

    Out-Gohmert’s Louie.

  13. Fox & Friends, always a little slow on the draw.
    Now, Bill O’Reilly, he would have cut that mike in a nanosecond.

  14. Bob Boland says:

    Maryelle – the beauty of it is that they can be both impeached and indicted. Impeachment is a political “punishment”, one that removes someone like Trump from office (makes them ineligible for any further office as well and cancels any pension they might otherwise be entitled to); indictment is the criminal counterpart. So let’s not be stingy, let’s have both.

  15. Instructions for TV interview, 45 version.

    Open mouth, close brain (if you have one)

    Shoot self in foot.

    Reload and shoot again.

  16. Rump’s actions and tweets will come back to haunt him sooner rather than later, I hope. All those within the FBI who were fired by him all took notes. Rump just keeps firing off tweet after tweet in anger. Mueller and other law enforcement agencies are amassing a treasure trove of proof, patterns of his obstruction and vindictiveness. The agencies have long memories for slights and slander.

  17. @ Old Fart
    “What A Maroon…”

    No reason to besmirch the U. of Chicago on this issue.
    That is the job of their economics department.

  18. I join with Michael Avenatti calling for Spanky Drumpf to join Faux and Friends every GD day to Spankysplain, pontificate, confess, and make ill-advised extemporaneous outbursts. This would be the first tv show in history to introduce a guest with a Miranda Warning.

  19. Since no one else that I’ve seen has mentioned it, just because the check did not come from a campaign account does not mean it wasn’t a campaign contribution.

    I don’t think even Trump’s lawyers are stupid enough to have failed to try to explain this to him (although Sekulow is pretty damn stupid, if you listen to his radio show). Perhaps the crinkling of the Big Mac wrappers drowned them out

  20. Old Fart says:

    @K #17: Naw, I was just reverting to Bugs Bunny.

    OTOH: 45 brings new meaning to “What’s up, doc”…

  21. Old Quaker says:

    Malarky #5

    The Gilbert and Sullivan contribution is priceless. You really nailed It, and fast. I hope you have more of this stuff. Bet Drumpf has no idea of who and what Gilbert & Sullivan were. Gene-e-ass and peen-e-ass: inspired.

  22. Tilphousia says:

    Especially like the “no pension!” As traitor trump is verging on broke, his brand is tanking around the planet, that is music surely. Speaking of music, many thanks for the Gilbert & Sullivan, Malarkey. Would you mind if it is sung when twitter fingers does the perp walk?

  23. Love Gilbert and Sullivan. They thrived in a time and place where they also had bloviating egos running loose and chose to nail them in their “operettas”! Lin-Manual? Did you hear that? This should all be catnip for you!

  24. Linda Phipps says:

    How is Trump’s necktie like his tongue? They both flap.

  25. maryelle says:

    Malarky, your very witty lyrics put me in mind of the old Frasier show. Frasier and his brother Niles would often break into Gilbert and Sullivan ditties. Oh if only that show was still going in the age of Trump. How mercilessly they might sing of the Dumpster.
