Forehead Meet Tabletop

August 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some mornings I think I must have had a stroke last night and I no longer know the meaning of words.



I guess it might help if I knew who Steven Seagal is. Okay, I vaguely know who he is.  He’s a movie star kick boxer, right? And he’s gonna make me feel better about Russia where they openly kill journalist and have no right to a fair trial.

Good luck with that.


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0 Comments to “Forehead Meet Tabletop”

  1. Sounds like Boris and Natasha Badinov are in charge of Kremlin PR. Or, more ominously, Putin’s boyz want us to think they are.

  2. Seagal is a paunchy, no talent “actor” who made his name doing pathetic martial arts films – only one of which (“Under Seige”), was even remotely watchable primarily because Tommy Lee Jones makes an outstanding bad guy and was allowed to chew the up scenery! He has been an authoritarian advocate for years and his cuddling up to Putin isn’t surprising.

  3. Simply another traitor in a growing batch of them led by the orange leader…

  4. Lunargent says:

    Y’know, if anybody took this to a TV producer and pitched it as a reality show, they’d get kicked out of the office, because it’s just too implausible.

    But thanks to Donnie Dotard and his ilk, we now live in a Post-Plausible society.

  5. Lunargent, our household has concluded we are being governed by a cast found in a Jerry Springer show filmed on location in a Walmart for the White House horror flick produced & directed by the Coen brothers & Mel Brooks.

  6. heh heh welcome to him.

  7. RepubAnon says:

    “You think you’re above the law – well you ain’t above the law…”
    -Steven Seagal, in some stupid movie. Pity he wasn’t talking to Trump.

  8. 1smartcanerican says:

    Ok, I’m officially confused. Isn’t Steven Seagal an American citizen? If so, how can he be appointed by Russia/Putin to be a special envoy to the U.S.? Oops! I just did a google and Putin granted him Russian citizen a couple of years back for some reason. This is so messed up!

  9. slipstream says:

    Okay. But let’s send them Chuck Norris.

  10. What the heck…Steven Seagal is now a Russian citizen. Ok lousy movies, One of them was entertaining although premise was stupid. The one where he was a chef on a ship, where he turned out to be a Navy Seal. Well ok that does sound very stupid but now he works for the Russians, what is going on here? This all has to be some strange mass hypnosis thingy…right?

  11. jSheeesh! Segal? The alleged tough guy of filmdom? Not that long ago he admitted to being scared stiff of some Mafia types suddenly in his life. And he is supposed to be some sort to of champion martial arts guy! Saw the pix. He is so out of shape I am surprised that he isn’t floating away.

  12. Katherine says:

    I’m surprised that no one has pointed out that Mr. Segal has been accused by multiple women of assault, harassment and rape. That might have something to do with moving to Russia.

  13. What is a has-been actor to do? It’s so hard to get any attention these days.

  14. publius bolonius says:

    SS is a real contender for worst-ever actor. He needs to pull up those big-boy Spanx and get to envoying.

  15. Yep Katherine,
    I suspect this appointment has something to do with Getting him Diplomatic immunity so he can come here without getting his sorry butt thrown in jail – I suspect #metoo will be waiting at the airport

  16. maryelle says:

    As far as I’m concerned, Putin can have all the D list actors he wants, but he’d better stay clear of Tom Hanks or there will be Trouble!

  17. Charles R Phillips says:

    maryelle, yes, and please take Jon Voight and James Woods!

  18. Lunargent says:

    I’d like to keep Jon Voight. At least he can still act.

    I’d kick in $ to ship James Woods Air Express – in a dog carrier in the hold.
