For Texans

December 19, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, this will only be of interest to Texans.  It’s the six Texas political players who lost power this year.  You’ll be glad to know that only two of the six are Democrats and they both fully deserve it.

I agree with the list but I would have added the Castro Brothers.  The clunking sound they made by sitting out this election is still ringing in the ears of many Texas Democrats.  And one thing about Texas Democrats – we dance with those who brung us.


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0 Comments to “For Texans”

  1. Pete Sessions paid $5319 for steak? And he’s from Texas?
    That’s like Donald Trump paying $5000 for a lie.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Texas Democrats, prepare to scuttle the life rafts. Sniveling Republicons in Kansas are running as Democrats; expect the same Con con in Texas and other states. No. Just hell no. The Democrats are the “big umbrella” party, but there’s no room for escapees from the RAT45 circus tent.

  3. Charles Morrow says:

    “I agree with the list but I would have added the Castro Brothers. The clunking sound they made by sitting out this election is still ringing in the ears of many Texas Democrats.”

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this way about the vaunted Castro Brothers. They are the kind of overly cautious calculating political animal that we don’t need anymore. Go O’Rourke!

  4. Not that I want to start a semantics war, but this is a reason I wish the media would stop grouping by Dem or GOP or whatever. This grouping allows Texas Dems to be become Texas snacilbupeR with a wave of the hand. Truth is these Texans were always Conservative. Liberals co-exist sometimes in an itchy way, with conservatives in the Texas Democratic party. If the parties as they exist today would disappear and elected officials would declare Conservative or Liberal voters could see choice more clearly and this tactic of running as a Dem getting elected and becoming resurrected as a snacilbupeR would disappear. This tactic irritates me personally and reminds me of the business model that includes note lots and payday loans.

  5. Miz Juanita, I don’t believe you read far enough in the section on Bexar County Democrats (either that or the Observer took heed of your feedback ).

    “Then there’s Julián Castro, the Alamo City’s hometown hero. Along with his twin brother…”
