For Sale: Smart Glasses, Hardly Used

August 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, well, well, it looks like Cowboy Rick is hanging up his spurs.

RickPerry:God_2smallestFormer Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s campaign team in South Carolina is no longer being paid by his presidential campaign, National Journal has learned.

It is not clear if or when paychecks will start backing up for Perry’s team in South Carolina. Dawson said that Perry staffers in the state “have been paid up to two weeks ago.”

The rich folks in South Carolina say they will continue to campaign for him, but he just didn’t raise enough money to keep paid staffers there.

Perry has struggled in his repeat bid for president in 2016. He raised a meager $1.1 million in the second quarter and his campaign will depend almost entirely on his far better-funded super PAC. Notably, Perry also missed the main debate stage last week, despite a weeks-long push of television ads by his super PAC in Iowa.

Anybody want to guess when Rick will be coming home?  I give him another 45 days of sliding on bad momentum and because he really doesn’t know how to do anything else.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “For Sale: Smart Glasses, Hardly Used”

  1. claudeewelch says:

    I agree that Slick Rick’s political demise is in the near future. He will, however, stretch his candidacy out for as long as he can. It is not costing him anything and, even when losing, he still is on an ego trip. He will go down but he will go down hard. At least he can then get rid of those icky looking glasses he’s been wearing to help raise his IQ.

  2. Thanks Donald! :-/

  3. Where are all the billionaires when you need one? It’s gotta burn Perry that boy scout Scott Walker has two billionaire Kochs behind him.

  4. Old Mayfly says:

    Scott Walker will be the Republican nominee. Walker is the best boot-licker.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Old Mayfly, Snot Wanker is the Koch anointed one. But I am not so sure that he can survive the many months prior to the nominating convention. He rivals any Republicon in the st00pid department, even pRick Perry. Jeb? has no traction; they bent the rules to place Kasich in the top ten debate. Am guessing Kasich is their plan B guy. There again, the joke is on them, when all of Kasich’s warts are revealed. David Koch might take a fright and make another presidential bid. That would be fun.

    Odd thing about Perry. Really. He is too moderate for the ‘con base. Really. As astounding as that may seem, they’re clamoring for a T-Rump or equally bombastic moron.

    Days remaining to Perry’s campaign? May I consult Alfredo before placing my wager?

  6. Quick! Put up the wall so we can keep him out.

  7. Sincere and enthusiastic hurrah! from the Fans of Alfredo! Another winning gem! Well done, Alfredo.

  8. I heard this good news about Perry on Lawrence’s show tonight. Poor pitiful pRick, he’s been studying for the last four years to get up to snuff on policy and such, but is finding it hard to understand things written for third and fourth graders.

    By the way, I read recently that it took Carly over four years to finally pay the staff of her failed campaign for senator from California. She owed some of them thousands of dollars.

  9. Next up, the Rick Perry magic act! He takes off his glasses and “POOF” all those PAC funds vanish into his pocket.

  10. Mark Schlemmer says:

    He can take over for your AG who looks like he’ll be adjusting to cell life any day. pRick, being a Dominionist, may see this as a direct message from God to return and save Texas. Well, he’s your problem now kids. He sure as hell wouldn’t make it in Oregon.

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    The crown prince of Republicans, Snot Walker will need to tamp down his horrific stance on abortion rights once he secures the nomination. That creepy notion of his might sell well at the primaries, but in an overall election, if he gets the female vote, I will have a hysterectomy (while it is still legal) in order to quit being identified as a woman.

  12. Since he has been out of the state so much, doesn’t he have like immigrant status?

  13. First its one state campaign staff, then another and another . . . pRick has to run out of rich friends at some point . . . and return to TX anyway cuz of the indictment that still stands. His “campaign” was in the same category as fantasy football!

  14. Who can tell pRick he’s had his 15 minutes? After all, we can’t miss him if he won’t go away!

  15. I look forward to seeing his withdrawal speech.
    President Perry? No chance. Convicted Felon Perry? Now that sounds more like it.

  16. Forty-five days seems too generous. He has a quarrel of lawyers on the payroll. Shysters being familiar with hucksters, they demand their dead presidents upfront.

  17. Biggomama says:

    We love yew

  18. UmptyDump says:

    Maybe he can return his smart glasses and get a refund to help pay the campaign workers he’s stiffed.

  19. Hollyanna says:

    Thanks for the cartoon, PKM. It’s spot on.

  20. Corinne Sabo says:

    Gee, I will not lose sleep over this. God DOES care.

  21. I think he’ll hold out until 2 days after the 2nd primary results come in.

  22. I don’t care whether he ends his campaign now or later. What I want to know is when he’s checking into Club Fed.

  23. What I want to know is what he will do for the rest of his life.

  24. lunargent says:


    Why should any of us care, as long as he’s in no position of legislative authority?

    I’m hoping for federal prison, myself. Hey, maybe he and Chris Christie could be cellies!
