Follow Up: Congressman Michael Burgess’ War With His Constituents

March 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I told you last week how Texas Republican Cogressvarmint Michael Burgess asked his supporters to gird up their loins and come help him fight the evil of liberals.

Well, you probably want to know how that turned out.

Some folks had some concerns about the Affordable Health Care Act.

Sally Ortega-Haynes, a human resources manager from Highland Village, said millions of Americans have access to health care because of the Affordable Care Act. She also pointed out that nearly half of Burgess’ campaign contributions in recent years come from the health insurance industry.

“How can we be assured you’re going to be working for our best interest?” she asked.

Burgess countered that he was independent of his political donors.

Yeah and his pants are independent of his belt but if he takes his belt off, his pants are hitting the floor. Burgess wants us to think that it is merely coincidence that he always votes he exact same way his major donors want him to vote.

Here’s a picture from the town hall.  He don’t look one bit happy.


Another person asked about the Russia connection, explaining that she didn’t believe it was fake new.

Burgess didn’t comment about the controversy facing the Trump administration, choosing instead to refer to the past.

“I was concerned about it during the previous administration as well,” he said.

(Heavy sigh.)  And that settles it.

Thanks to Rob for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Follow Up: Congressman Michael Burgess’ War With His Constituents”

  1. Well, he tells us why congressvarmints are not holding town halls: they can’t cope with the questions their constituents are asking.

  2. He was concerned about the Russian connection during the previous administration?

    Gee, that’s odd, ’cause all the Repubs talked about was the Kenyan connection. And they had to invent that.

  3. I can’t find words to tell yall how seeing that photograph on brightened my day. I do hope that becomes Dr Burgess’ usual face until he is defeated in the next election.

    This also from that piece “One woman asked Burgess to assure that women’s health care, including contraception, would be part of a new health care law the GOP was producing.” “”That will not be a part of the reconciliation bill,” he answered.””

    This congress-varmint MUST be defeated next election. If for no other reason than his crappy attitude. He’s just NOT all that.

  4. And to think men like this are out there breeding…

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa, a gohmert punch to their tiny little gohmerts could solve that problem. That, or hold Joni Ernst to her campaign promise; hearing Mitch McConnell squeal would be a highlight reel.

  6. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM,
    Joni babee would need to find herself some nano-sized hog rings to stag-ify good ol’ McTurdle (and tweezers).

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge, very true. The implements associated with a bris would be overkill for the old boy. Perhaps a surgical suture designed for a gnat? Or, whatever tiny tools Mental Ben would need for performing brain surgery on a snacilbupeR.

    Meanwhile, Burgess and the Lyin’ Ryan gang of criminals need to be slapped silly by the obvious solution: single payer.

  8. Corporations are people too. Why weren’t any of them at the town hall meeting? Oh that’s right, they get to speak with their congressman when he picks up their check.

  9. LOL love the post and all the comments. he really looks like a sad sack.

  10. I do love the expression on that droopy face. Speaking of droopy . . . What? Wait. PKM and Sandridge already covered that.

  11. Ther is nothing so disheatening to suddenly realize that you have painted yourself into a corner either through your own action or your affiliation with someone stoopid and the really is no way out! Its written all over this guy.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    maggie, what you described about ol’ Burgess applies equally to Lyin’ Ryan. He’s taking a lot of “incoming” from his alleged Obamacare replacement. We could make a fortune with D’OH and Who Knew stickers.

    Based on their reactions the snacilbupeR pols do believe their own lies. Considering how reality shocks them, sunrise must have been a real surprise for them this morning.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Learn something new every day. H/T to Linn Washington, Jr. for this gem.

    *** Mama, please do not read below this line ***

    “An “Alabama Hurricane” –- according to one popular definition –- is a fart released with such stinking force that it smacks those in its path in the face hard enough to cause blunt force trauma.” Oh noes! Does that mean that Jefferson Beauregard Sessions may have damaged Donnie? Or, is it simply a generic description of the current state of the snacilbupeR Party?

    snacilbupeR, thank Richard Millhouse Nixon. His “southern strategy” is now your Alabama Hurricane.

  14. WA Skeptic says:

    Well, he listened in front of his constituents, but once he got back to D.C, he quit listening.

    You have to give him points for being the only one to show up in public to listen, but that’s about all.

  15. oldymoldy says:

    Has someone mentioned this? lets not forget this. this guy has no shame! lets remember to mention this…

    being a “true merkun” no doubt he buys his own insurance!
