Foiled Again!

August 27, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I was going to link to Bev’s column this week because she found some interest information about Cynthia Lenton Gary that I thought both my readers would enjoy.

But, I got stopped dead in my tracks because I would have to give ammo to Luther and REdmunds about the typos and/or misspellings in Bev’s newspaper.  (See comments here.) I think it’s fair to say that I worked for her for a decade or two and taught her everything she knows about misspelling.

Bev wrote —

Why I’m mad at Obama….Let me see. First I think I’ll go through all the reasons I’m NOT mad at Obama. I don’t believe he is a Muslin. I do believe he is a citizen of the U.S.

Yeah, she said he’s not a Muslin.

In all fairness, I think that’s probably the one thing nobody has accused him of being.

So, I have decided that what Bev meant is that Obama is not a “man of the cloth.”

Keep the groaning down, please.

Go on over and skip to near the bottom to discover that Cynthia Lenton Gary did not file her campaign finance reports as required by law.  I think she was busy illegally leaving notes to her friends in the mailbox.  That’s a whole lot of work.

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