First Ya Say You Do And Then You Don’t. Then You Say You Will And Then You Say You Won’t … UPDATED!

November 30, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ella Fitzgerald made the lyrics famous and South Carolina Republican Congresswoman (Cringe Alert!) Nancy Mace took it to stage and screen.

[Mace] was caught over the weekend telling Fox News viewers that it’s not that important to get vaccinated against COVID-19 but then telling CNN viewers that she supports the COVID-19 vaccines.

Not like a year apart but on the same damn day. No kidding. That girl can twirl!

Remember when Republicans thought flip-flopping was a bad thing? I do, and I got myself a real bad memory.

UPDATE:  She’s working on a trifecta, Honey.  Take a look at the Twitter hair pulling between Mace and Majorie Taylor Greene.  It’s junior high school all over again.


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0 Comments to “First Ya Say You Do And Then You Don’t. Then You Say You Will And Then You Say You Won’t … UPDATED!”

  1. Does she hold a baton on one channel, and a Pom Pom on the other?

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    So sorry she’s having long term effects of Covid. Booo hooo. Well, it appears to have also affected her brain. On second thought, I believe that organ was already warped based on her pre-Covid rants.

  3. Buttermilk Sky says:

    On Twitter Mace called Margie Taylor Greene “batsh*t crazy” (in emoji). On Instagram she’s probably calling Three-Names “a strong leader.” As Lincoln said, “Go it, woman! Go it, bear!”

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    It’s like when we had an outbreak of Ted Cruz telling everyone not to wear masks when his kids attend a school that required masks!

  5. slipstream says:

    When you pull a bass outta the lake and toss it in the bottom of the boat, you know it’s gonna flipflop around for a while, but will stop pretty soon.

    But when a Republican flipflops, it just goes on and on and on.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Magats reply, “HRC had emails”.

  7. Ah jes luvs a good catfight… pfffftt rrreeoowrrrr…

    There’s at least three of them scratching their fur offn their mangy hides:

    Empty Greene, Mace, and Boobert go at it, rreeoowrrrr…:

    Let’s admit it: It’s fun to watch the train wreck as deplorables begin eating their own:

  8. john in denver says:

    Sandridge …
    The catfight had one additional victim — myKevin myCarthy, demonstrating his leadership, apparently. As happily pointed out today:

    What’s Kevin McCarthy doing to address the chaos and extremism in his caucus? Nothing. And to add to the disarray, Republicans, including members of his own caucus, are calling him out for it.

    Rep. Adam Kinzinger: “I love this, but worth noting that while this battle between Nancy Mace and the unserious circus barker McSpacelaser, @GOPLeader continues his silent streak that would make a monk blush.”

  9. Just a silly gurl .

  10. thatotherjean says:

    How come the MSM never, ever headlines “Republicans in Disarray!” no matter how often they are? “Liberal media,” my foot.
