First They Don’t Want Us To Do Sex, Now They Do.

February 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tennessee is not the best educated place on earth.  I get that.  But, holy hell, this is whacky.

First, Tennessee passes a law that says a child born through artificial insemination is the “legitimate” child of the mother’s husband.  I kinda suspect they they did not have good thoughts when passing that law, like maybe taking the first step toward recognizing that all babies are legitimate. But, I think they passed it so people would quit having sex.

Now they have change their mind.

Terri Lynn Weaver

Tennessee Republican (start cringing now) State House member Terry Lynn Weaver from Nashville now wants to repeal that bill.  Last week, she filed HB1406 which would repeal the idea that children born through artificial insemination are “legitimate,” because nothing is more loving and Christian that marking an innocent child as “illegitimate” the moment it is born.

Terri Lynn Weaver is a gospel songwriter and singer.  Yikes, listen to Momma Prays. As I listened, I was afraid she was gonna break out in yodeling any minute an there ain’t nothing worse than cowboy yodeling. On top of that, she sings but she doesn’t listen to what she’s singing.

Weaver is extremely concerned that lesbians who have children through artificial insemination are a horror so we need to punish innocent little babies.

Y’all, I hate these people. God forgive me, I do. I try hard to hate the sin and not the sinner, but I can’t. So, today I am awarding the Illegitimate Gospel Grammy Award to Terri Lynn Weaver of Nashville, Tennessee.

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “First They Don’t Want Us To Do Sex, Now They Do.”

  1. I offer in defense of my atheism that were there really a god, this bitch would be a pillar of salt.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Do not expect consistency from a forced birther. Their brains (what little they possess) are blowing in the wind. The only thing one can rely on from them is the point of their nose: into other peoples’ business that does not concern them. Or, as ya’ll would say: “bless her heart” for her concern trolling.

    Terry Lynn, put down your shovel and stop digging that hole. Read Obergefell v. Hodges. The United States Supreme Court has already ruled that the 14th Amendment protects people from your theocracy blather and st00pid opinions.

  3. Just think of the thousands of couples who are having a hard time conceiving children being told their child that was conceived using artificial insemination, is illegitimate. My niece who is a lesbian has two children via artificial insemination and her cousin who had been trying for years to have a child with her husband finally had a girl using artificial insemination. None of the children are illegitimate.

    Terri Lynn Weaver can go screw herself. She is a repellent, ungodly douchebag. She should be considered an illegitimate human being.

  4. Gospel singer AND elected representative?
    Guess she’s figured out a way to separate her church and state of hatred.

  5. Old Mayfly says:

    What the right-wingers want the rest of us to understand is that “Sex is icky.” And they are puzzled and angered that we don’t understand that.

    (Possibly the misunderstanding is because they are doing it wrong.)

  6. e platypus onion says:

    But their god forgives their sins, why wouldn’t he/she/it forgive a little baby born from AFI? Their god prolly would forgive it but the godly wingnuts wouldn’t. Gotta remember whose in charge.

  7. The #TNLeg was overtaken by EvangeliBaggers in 2009, 2010 and 2012 due to gerrymandering rather like Texas.

    For each idiot in the General Assembly, there are 1,000 morons waiting to vote for ‘values’.

    Whose values? Christian?? Certainly not what the GINORMOUS mega-churches preach around here.

    We need healthcare and infrastructure, not more name-calling and hate.

    I reall

  8. No child is illegitimate. Some adults are. Tell her to get off her high horse and learn to think.
    And BTW Eykis, you get an Amen from me.

  9. I’m baffled at the perceived necessity to label some babies “illegitimate.” What purpose can there possibly be, other than to induce shame in the parents and eventually in the child? Is an “illegitimate” child denied schooling, or what? What business is it of the state’s? Yes, I know this is some so-called “religious” moron’s attempt to make other people feel bad, but could there possibly be any other reason?

    Some kids are conceived by AI using the mother’s husband’s sperm, because for any of several reasons they need help getting to the egg. Is this jackwagon claiming that the state should disapprove of any conception that doesn’t include a penis in a vagina? It’s like she’s standing there speaking Swahili and expecting me to understand it, because I don’t.

    What I do understand is that she should keep her mind out of other people’s underwear and her head out of her own.

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    She is so deserving of this award: So, today I am awarding the Illegitimate Gospel Grammy Award to Terri Lynn Weaver of Nashville, Tennessee.

    Her and so many others who are obsessed about other folks having sex or using whatever methods they can to conceive a child … t’ain’t nobodies business but their own!!!

  11. I think that “hate the sin, love the sinner” line came along some time after I graduated from Baptist Sunday school, and it seems to me that “let him who is without sin cast the first stone” pretty much says we’re all sinners, so deal with it.

    But as much as you tell yourself that you hate these people, JJ, I don’t think you do. I think you hate what they do to others (see “the golden rule” and “inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me”) while parading around their hifalutin’ brand of Kristianity that somehow leaves Christ out of the equation altogether.

    You’re a way better Christian than they’ll ever be.

  12. O’Yea, O,Yea The curse of illegitimacy shall pass onto the seventh generation. Can Terri Lynn prove her place by providing proof? That would require about two hundred and fifty DNA test and about an equal exhumations. If not she should change her name to Fitzweaver and STFU.

  13. Would someone explain this to me:
    It seems to me that every-damn-one from the states in rebellion since 1861 name their kids with three names just like the rest of Merika, but PERSIST in calling them by all three names even when they aren’t mad at ’em. Why? Why is she Terry Lynn Weaver instead of Terry Weaver or Lynn Weaver? Terry Lynn Bobbie Sue Nelda Ray. Good grief!

  14. Bet they all know someone who has used “in vitro”, probably their church has raised money for a couple to do that. They are too stupid to know that “in vitro” is artificial insemination. I am not going to tell them.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    AliceBeth, good plan. May I suggest an addendum should they ask? Tell them it’s a scam by doctors to extract 10s of thousand of dollars from them. Then offer an alternative: that the male of the pair can have the same procedure at a Planned Parenthood for approximately $1000, just ask for a vasectomy. Since they fall for all of Donnie’s whoppers, maybe we can sell this to them toward the benefit of reducing their population.

    Micr, it’s part of plausible deniability redneck style. Give their kids enough names, then the pregnant sister will have difficulty naming her responsible brother. Was it Jim Bob Billy Goat? Maybe Joe Don Ray Bob? Ray Bob Billy Joe? “Dunno, Pa, it was the brother with 4 names.”

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Maybe the little varmint has AI mixed up with interspecies breeding which is when you match a wingut up with a human and no babies occur because the chromosomes don’t match.

    djw- no offense, but, I guarantee you I hate these people? I am not going to apologize for it. These people don’t deserve respect or any other considerations. That is strictly my opinion.

  17. So after posting and reading a few replies, because Terri Lynn’s face had a bit of familiarity, I checked out Terri Lynn’s Wikipedia article. Well…

    Seems as a 20ish year old she came on down to Texas, to Dallas, from Ohio, to ply her stellar cocktail waitressing and singing skills. the Wiki goes on to say that she did some of her cocktail waitressing in a restaurant called Daddy’s Money yet another called Barney Oldfield’s. (I use the term restaurant only because Texas law allows that use so long as less than 50% of income is from alcohol sales. Restaurant. Wink. Wink.)

    Daddy’s Money was on Greenville and I may have gone there a handful of times. Ahh But Barney Oldfield’s is a different story.
    Worked a contract at the bank at 1111 W Mockingbird in 1977 and 1978 and Barney’s was just east a few minutes at the Sheraton near Harry Hines. Barney’s was a delightfully tacky restaurant with objectification as a side on each order. Oh myy. Tales of a misspent youf.

    The wiki goes on to say how Terri Lynn’s now husband encouraged her singing and they got out all the way out to Grapevine on her relentless climb to stardom.

    Her face is familiar, we were in the same place at the same time, so we must have crossed paths at Barney Oldfield’s.

    Of course none of this trip down nostalgia lane mitigates her name, her ridiculous views or her utter lack of basic material to serve as an elected official. Even from one of the states rebelling since 1861. Talk about sore losers.

  18. I really really want to know when the construction of for profit orphanages will begin.

    Has anybody else noticed they are beginning to go after birth control too?

    Perhaps she needs sit down and shut up during bible class.
    I don’t think, “suffer the little children to come unto Me….” means what she thinks it does.

  19. Its not that she can’t find something else really worthwhile to do. Its just beyond her limited IQ. This whole thing is gonna blow up inner face!

  20. JAKvirginia says:

    Once again, someone who lives in a perfect place! I was shocked to learn I live in a perfect place, too. Prince William County, VA. Why perfect? Because my newly minted VA lege person Mr. Marshall felt the really pressing issue that needed his attention was a transgender bathroom bill! Yesiree!

    Ahhhh… the perfect place where all people have good paying jobs, everyone has healthcare, all the children are healthy and well cared for, the schools are great, the roads are well maintained and lit… ahhh… perfect as La-La Land.

    I had no idea how wonderful my world was.

  21. epo–No offense taken, but I don’t hear you claiming to be a Christian. JJ does–and is.

  22. She looks different..she looks like her mom. Certainly not the person she used to be. But I don’t think I’ve heard from her since 83-85ish. I blamed the mega-churches but we were obviously going different directions.

  23. And btw..she has no room trashing anyone about conception out of wedlock.

  24. The reason they want people to have sex is so they can disapprove of it. It is one of the few real pleasures in their lives.

  25. “What the right-wingers want the rest of us to understand is that “Sex is icky.” And they are puzzled and angered that we don’t understand that.
    (Possibly the misunderstanding is because they are doing it wrong.)”
    Old Mayfly

    So I was going to write my own comment, but Old Mayfly, I can’t improve on yours.
