First the NRA Convention and Then THIS Shows Up. Coincidence? Unlikely.

May 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just as the NRA, Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, Ted Cruz, Glen Beck and Rick Santorum leave Houston after the NRA convention, three days later this was discovered in a Houston garden.


A woman in the Briarforest subdivision of Houston was gardening yesterday and found the snail.

The snails, researchers warn, are potentially dangerous to touch, in part because they can carry meningitis. Scientists have warned anyone who comes in contact with them to wash their hands thoroughly.

“They also carry a parasitic disease that can cause a lot of harm to humans and sometimes even death,” Autumn Smith-Herron, director of the Institute for the Study of Invasive Species at Sam Houston State University, told NBC Houston affiliate KPRC.

They say that the snail lays about 100 eggs a month which makes me suspect a Santorium parentage.

Scientists have no idea how they got here, but all I’m saying is that none were found before Sarah Palin came to town.

If you see one, you should walk away as slowly as you can to at least give it a sporting chance to catch you.

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