First It Was Bill Clinton and The Porn Stars, Now It’s ….

May 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Edwards and the female jurors at his trial.

Since the alternates were identified last Thursday, it has been impossible to ignore the dynamic between Edwards and one of the female alternates, an attractive young woman with jet-black hair, who seems to have been flirting with Edwards for days.

The juror clearly instigated the exchanges. She smiles at him.   He smiles at her.    She giggles.     He blushes.

The flirtation has become so obvious that even Edwards’ attorneys have to work to suppress their laughter at the absurdity of it all.

Okay, so he’s on trial for hiding his Baby Momma from his wife, who was dieing of cancer.  That just does not seem like the proper time to be pickin’ up Juror Babes.

Call me old fashioned.  Go ahead.  I can take it.

Thanks to Sandy for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “First It Was Bill Clinton and The Porn Stars, Now It’s ….”

  1. Elise Von Holten says:

    Can someone tell me why some women are so dumb!
    It just plain makes me nuts to see this kind of behavior!

  2. Corinne Sabo says:

    Isn’t this tantamount to jury tampering? You’d think Edwards would be smarter than this.

  3. Lifetimestudent says:

    Amendment 1, the-opposite-Christian Pastor Worley, the KKK and now this. We are having a really bad month here in NC. We really need SC to step up and take the crazy state spotlight off us. Jim DeMint? Lindsay Graham? Nicki Haley?

  4. He’s such a stank old creeper.

  5. My toes just curled! Not only that but my hair stood on end! This dude gives new meaning to the phrase, “He knows no shame!”

    Make the bad man stop Juanita, make the bad man stop.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    Haven’t you ever been in a situation like that before? Once, back in the dark ages, on a crowded bus I was across from a cute guy. We started eyeing each other. Nothing happened, of course but it got embarrassing and there wasn’t much of anywhere else to look. Everyone else noticed too. I was so glad when I got off the bus. I have an idea. Everyone go somewhere and glue your eyeballs to someone else and uh, let’s see, what comes next…? I dunno. John Edwards can’t get off the bus. Can they take that lady off the jury?

  7. Life imitating Art – this was a Law and Order episode.

  8. @Elise:
    I think it is because women are indoctrinated at a very young age to think by being passive and “loving” the bad boy she will find true love and turn him into a good boy.
    Think about the story of “Beauty and the Beast.” Even though the Beast imprisons her and is abusive towards her, Beauty loves him, accepts his abuse and is rewarded with his transformation into the handsome prince. Look sometime at the fascination on the faces of young children while watching this Disney movie. It is truly sickening. And, thanks to the marvel of modern communications, the movie can be viewed over and over and over again.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    You’re right.

  10. Steven Hernandez says:

    IF he is convicted I really hope he is given a very harsh punishment. No Club Fed but good ole fashioned pound you in the ass federal pen.

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    Truth is, unless North Carolina law is different in that respect from most jurisdictions, by smiling back Edwards did nothing wrong. Offering favors to a juror, engaging in conversation with a juror, or talking about the case in the presence of a juror is forbidden conduct by a party or an attorney, but nodding, holding door, exchanging brief greetings are probably OK.
