First Entry In Juanita’s Drunk Crazy Political Ads

April 09, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This one if gonna be hard to beat and certainly sets the bar high.

Thanks to Karl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “First Entry In Juanita’s Drunk Crazy Political Ads”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    It’s gohmert campaign season in Indiana. Same proud state in which Joni Ernst is running on her castrating pigs experience. Repeal the ACA? With candidates like these, there should be full support for bolstering the mental health provisions in the ACA.

    School stabbing in Pennsylvania this morning, 20 injured, 3 serious/critical. Wherever do these kids get their ideas. /sarcasm

  2. chloe bear says:

    Using the murder of his sister in a cutesy way makes me question his mental stability. And, I really thought we were past bashing folks who have an education clearly I was wrong. On the positive side he wants to “blow off the balls” did not mention my uterus.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Apologies. It’s Iowa, not Indiana.

  4. OK. I had to look him up to make sure it wasn’t satire. Sadly enough, it was real.

  5. SomedayGirl says:

    Wait, what?? That person is running as a Democrat??

    We gotta get him hooked up with ol’ Keesha…

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    SomedayGirl, this particular gohmert is running as as Independent. Yeah, he’s an (I) about as much as Keesha is a (D). Clearly both are Tea Bagging gohmerts trying to take advantage of an ill-informed electorate.

  7. Larry McLaughlin says:

    I do like the part about term limits though.

  8. So he’s going to shoot the “balls off” someone trying to break into his house, but not restrict their second amendment rights??
    Where did the Dems recruit this lunatic?

  9. Larry, the whole nonsense about term limits (silly me, I thought that was what elections were for–keep the good ones, throw the bad ones out) is predicated on the idea that “my opponent is a problem” but if one of the “good” guys is in (i.e., one they like), they should stay as long as Strom Thurmond.

  10. grammy97 says:

    Should we give him points for the twinkling teeth?

  11. crankypants says:

    I agree with Chloe Bear, the mention of his sister’s demise is extremely inappropriate for a campaign ad. He really comes off as a bloviated jerk with spittle on his chin.

  12. maryelle says:

    Crazy is an understatement. It’s absolutely frightening that he thinks any part of this ad is acceptable.

  13. @Yonit – or Bernie Sanders. He can stay (and probably will) as long as he wants to. So can Warren.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Yonit, term limits and mandatory retirement are equally debatable. On the negative side many states keep returning the same thieves to deliver their pork. On the plus side, there are experienced people in Congress. Yeah, gohmerts, I know, one would never believe that with the current Congress varmints. The Tea Baggers are flat out obstructionist. While some of the old-timers are convenient duplicitous. Do we really believe DiFi didn’t know the industrial security complex was up to no good, or that Sen/Sec Clinton was duped into believing Iraq had WsMD? I’ll spare Mama’s tender eyes and not share my thoughts on McCain, Graham, Boehner and McConnell to name just a few of the culprits of war-hawk mayhem.

    Ayn Paul Ryan and creepy Eric Cantor are something else again. The politest way to describe them are as st00pid Reagan Trickle Down Theories with a sinister twist of mean.

    Should be fun macabre watching Iowa, with the pig sticker and gohmert blaster ‘splaining their plans.

  15. Angelo Frank says:

    I used to like Iowa. Now, with this Bob Quast clown added to the mix with nut job Steve King, I’m having my doubts about the State of Iowa.

  16. Grammy, I’m with you. The twinkle teeth sold me!

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Angelo Frank, Iowa sports Bob Quast, Steve King and the pig sticker, Joni Ernst. That is Iowa’s contribution to the federal fray. Gohmerts only know what Koctopussy has contributed to local and state elections. Here in my schizoid state of Nevada, we went from ready to tip Harry Reid’s corrupt gohmert into the dumpster to loving Harry. Tea Bags driven with Koch cash brought out Sharron Angle and Sue Lowden. Sharron ‘thought’ unemployment benefits in the face of millions of lost jobs was “moocher” money. Sue thought we should barter for our health care with chickens. Can’t speak for Iowa, but what saved our state was the crazy supported on the Koch feed. Those old boys may have money to throw around, but they sure are shy on brain cells, when it comes to picking candidates.

  18. I’m ghastiflabbered. That man needs to be on some kind of medication. If he’s a Democrat, I don’t know what the gohmert I’m supposed to be. I certainly don’t know what George McGovern was.

    No, dammit– George McGovern was a DEMOCRAT. This piece of crap is NOT and never could be. And if Iowa elects him to anything, more fool Iowa.

  19. Auntie BFly says:

    The only bright side of this is that Iowa only has 6 electoral votes, so whatever. But if I lived in Iowa, I’d be writing in Kermit the Frog on the ballot in November. Good grief, jeepers Christmas, and a bunch of stronger cuss words….

  20. Hoo-whee! This ought to be fun to watch.

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, this gohmert is running as an (I) and he is as “independent” as whacko bird Keesha is a (D). Tea Bagging losers are seeping out under false party identification. Nut Jobs lost as Tea Baggers, so the Kock-Sucker-Rats are fun-dinging them under false labels.

    Koch brothers = Tea Bagger, as did their daddy Fred equal John Birch. Follow the money.

    If Sheldie the Addle-brained supports Jeb, we need to get out the word about Prescott Bush, the Nazi war criminal and arms profiteer. Junior Shrub was a piker compared to grand pappy, Prescott.

    History doesn’t lie. Bush and Cheney cronies live on lies.

    The Koch addiction fuels gohmerts.

  22. @SB . . definitely well played!

  23. Aggieland liz says:

    Well, how very encouraging: I’m neither drunk enough nor crazy enough for that load of Iowa bullcrap!! I feel better about Texas already and I’ll just NOT think about Teddy Cruzy…Go Leticia Go!

  24. It is indeed a Koch addiction. Well said.

    Prescott Bush was still making money in Nazi Germany well into WWII, including blood bucks from slave labor camps. It took Congress passing a “Cease and Desist” order that finally made him stop. But that’s not a platform to run on. Too far back. George W is a hard act to follow and I’m betting that enough time has not yet passed. Besides, they may want him to be governor again, if there’s anything left of Florida to govern after Scott finally leaves.

  25. Term limits restrict my right to vote for whomever I choose. Pisses me off that the right wing hated FDR so much they put in term limits for President. When they can’t win, they change the rules.

  26. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    MaryK, everything the The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. does is spot on. Get out the vote, get out the facts. As one on the younger end of the millennial generation, please don’t count us out in 2014.

    It is all about 2014. And, no you won’t bore us kids with the truth. Tie the two unfunded wars with the full Bush history, get out the word that the Koch brothers spend millions in ads lying about the ACA, while accepting millions of our ACA money.

    Cheney, Halliburton, CIA, Bush the senior; we millennial kids do get it. Remember, we get our news from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, not Fox Follies.

  27. MickieMouse says:

    I’m from Iowa and we have a regular democratic candidate, by that I mean not insane, he’s my current congress member Bruce Braley. For what it’s worth, I hadn’t heard of this guy until just now and I’m horrified. Koch money flows freely here, lots of ads against Braley for supporting the ACA and for a bunch of other Koch brothers oppose this stuff. I wouldn’t worry about this guy getting very far, but OMG, he’s really from Iowa??? Say it isn’t so!

  28. Maybe it’s just me, but if I had a relative who was brutally murdered, and her murderer was walking free because of some kind of plea deal, my appeal for voters would be more along the lines of trying to fix a broken justice system rather than bloviating about my marksmanship or sporting a creepy grin whilst handling a gun. But, what do I know? I’m not from Iowa.

  29. He’s so much more than simple.. he’s a simpleton.

  30. JJ, I apologize for saying you need to get out of Texas. All I can say as an Iowan in our defense is that King is the only one to have been actually elected. (And only weird western Iowa voted for him) Glock-boy is just a nut with a camera and a YouTube account.

  31. Very seldom am I left totally speechless.

    This would be one of those times.

  32. Nothing like fantasizing the attack and murder of your sister in a political ad to turn on the Tea Party Crowd. Independent must be code for Tea Party in Iowa.

  33. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I’m with Miemaw. I got nothin’ for this one after seeing it’s not snark.

  34. Larry Cross says:

    I must say he did get one thing right, he is indeed “simple.”

  35. WTF?

  36. MSNBC played this on Morning Joe today.
    The Repub woman running says in her ad that she grew up castrating hogs and can cut some pork.
    Then she shows a pig.

    His ad is a great parody, lampooning the Republicans’ gun fetish and the castration motif. If you didn’t see her ad, his doesn’t make sense.

    In context, his is brilliant.

  37. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Glyn, it was dog whistle “cute,” if you like the sound of a pig sticker being slapped shut or the sound of a 15 round clip being slapped into a Glock.

    Satire and parody are great. The Onion is fantastic for those genres. “I will blow your balls off,” not so much.

    Rmoney didn’t do so well traveling with his pooch on the roof of the car. This gohmert won’t fair much better for the leash jerking to make the poor dog perform. My wife’s dog performs for treats, but she’s a progressive pooch.

  38. PKM, please understand that I am what passes for a liberal in my part of Texas, but I am a Texan. Blowing the balls off an intruder is okay in my book.
