Fired Up and Ready for Joe!
Where has this Joe Biden been? Baby, he’s hot as a Cadillac bumper on a Del Rio parking lot in July.
Vice President Joe Biden tore into Mitt Romney on Wednesday for running ads with a widely debunked claim about Chrysler and General Motors shipping American jobs to China, saying it calls into question the character of the Republican presidential nominee.
During a campaign event in Sarasota, Fla., Biden called the latest ad one of the “most scurrilous” and “most flagrantly dishonest ads I can remember in my political career.” The worst part, he said, is that the ad actually caused workers to call United Auto Workers and ask if it was true.
Joe Biden is as tough as the back end of a shooting gallery. I’m hard down proud he’s on our side.
I think it’s time somebody stood up to Karl Rove and the evil lies he spreads, and Joe Biden is just the Veep to do it.