Finest Rant of the Day – Sorry, Momma.

April 30, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Holy Crap, Trump


This morning, Albert Burneko of Deadspin wove the finest shimmering tapestry of obscenities, descriptors, and insults to perfectly describe the absurdity of the wild spinning the last two days that a little known comedienne somehow bullied the Press Secretary of the President of the United States during the WHCD.  And somehow, Chris Cillizza got artfully caught in the crossfire.  Just a brief sample:

“A frank and honest description of who she is and what she does would be much more harsh: Every day, Sarah Huckabee Sanders plants herself, by choice, between the public and the facts of what’s being done at the very highest levels of American executive power, and does her damnedest to break and delegitimize the means by which the two are brought together. She is one of the most visible and powerful people in American civic life, and she uses her visibility and power—she chooses to use her visibility and power—to confuse the public and degrade its grasp on the truth, rather than to inform or empower or serve it. Her willingness to do this on behalf of Donald Trump, day after day, and the unmistakable teeth-gnashing relish with which she does it, are the substance of her power, and the reason why anybody knows who the fuck she is at all.”

Trust me, patrons, THIS one is worth the read.

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0 Comments to “Finest Rant of the Day – Sorry, Momma.”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    Uhhhhh … No! I’m not super prudish, but a little of that goes a long way and gets old real quick!
    For what I did read, it comes off [to me] as worse then what Wolf was saying!!
    Thumbs down on a good read … 🙁

  2. That 1 para kinda nails it donchaknow?

  3. NicaBrian says:

    I guess the thing that gets me most is Laura Ingraham, and you know there are a whole Santorum of them, say stuff like that every day. Not as much profanity except on the radio but their gigs aren’t comedy. They curse, lie, ridicule, lie and curse and all we say is,”oh, they shouldn’t do that.” while they laugh, mock us for being wimps and lie some more.

    I didn’t watch the interview because of the lack of internet here, but I read the transcript and their manufactured outrage.

    And we’re falling for it again.

  4. NicaBrian says:

    Dang. Not the interview, the WHCD.

  5. El Jefe:
    Thank you.
    That Deadspin guy has provided a gift to mankind.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie and his snacilbupeR cheerleaders want credit for what they do. I wouldn’t pretend to begin listing all the harm and destruction for which they deserve credit. Where would one begin? With Pruitt, Zinke, DeVos, Mulvaney, some unnamed or unindicted “other,” while leaving room for Bolton or Pompeo to climb to the top of the list of scoundrels?

    But, I will reward them their due for the richness of their irony and the strength of their projection. Leading that particular Gish Gallop is Kellyanne Conway. She deserves a “brass balls” award for dropping a feminist card when questioned about her husband George’s twitter remarks in view of all she & George pulled on the Clintons for years. (for someone with research skills, DaChipster has written some excellent history of the Conway shenanigans available here at the WMDBS) While obviously a novice to the ‘gifted’ Kellyanne, Sarah Chuck-A-Load Sanders obviously wasn’t sleeping during the $carah Palin school of word salad and playing the victim. She deserves at least some BB pellets for her efforts. For the meretricious performance award, Ivanka and Messy need a TBD mud or Jell-O wrestling event to determine that winner.

  7. That was an outstanding article, and well said. The little woman, Michelle Wolf, cannot bully the big and powerful one, Sanders. That’s not how bullying works. Duh.

    I watched the video of Michelle Wolf’s entire gig and thought it was mostly funny. When I heard that she was being criticized for attacking Sanders’ appearance, I thought “What? I missed it.” Wolf did not do that.

    I am opposed to criticizing anyone based on appearance unless they are extremely horrible people (pres Shithole, Hitler, etc). I don’t like the cracks about Christie’s weight, for example. But Michelle Wolf did not criticize Sanders’ appearance. She made a joke about lying. What could be more fitting for this deministration? Really? Really.

    BTW, I think Michelle Wolf is hilarious and she’s going to be having a regular show on Netflix. It’s going to be funneeeeeeee!!

  8. Politics is a contact sport. Football without pads. Rugby without good manners. In the not too distant past Dems played a variety of full-contact politics that viewed on a dark city street or in a deserted parking lot would resemble a particularly violent mugging. See LBJ. See Sam Rayburn. See Bobby Kennedy. See Ted Kennedy.

    In 2009ish the snacilbupeR figured out how to play full-contact politics and Senator McConnell, in particular, plays a variety of full contact politics that vaguely resembles, to me, the Dems in their hay day. But no more do Dems vote and govern their convictions.

    I applaud the numbers of women committed to running as Dems in 2018 and 2020. But I would tell any of them they cannot nice their programs through. They cannot collaborate their initiatives to mitigate the damage an unrestrained snacilbupeR Congress and POTUS will have done by 1/01/2019 and 1/01/2021. The time is neigh for these candidates to commit to smash mouth politics until the Pax Obama is restored. Beginning in 2019, please?.

  9. Opinionated Hussy says:

    My spousal unit, who holds elected office, would agree with Micr, as do I. You cannot ‘nice your programs through’. The snacilbupeR do not negotiate, so do not try to get them to compromise and meet somewhere in the middle. Until they are ready to return to humanity from their current Pod People state, I would follow the Pirate Creed – “Take what you want. Give nothing back.” (And what we want is a healthy planet and a place at the table for everyone!)

  10. ThrowCautiontotheWind says:

    Laura Ingraham has some nerve jumping into the fray when she herself verbally attacked a CHILD, and justified it by saying he had put himself in the public eye. Is not Sanders in the public eye?

    As a feminist, I am also offended at some of the right’s outrage (looking at you, Mika) about watching a “wife and mother” be offended on national TV, as if women who have birthed babies will shrivel up under criticism because their female hormones don’t permit rational thought or resilience. (I know Sanders doesn’t engage in rational thought, but pretty sure it’s not due to her estrogen levels).

  11. @Opinionated Hussy

    How snacilbupeR resemble Terminators…

    The snacilbupeR are out there! They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

  12. Since the taxpayer-paid Sanders sows disrespect to those who employ her (us!) by lying, she deserves to be heaped with criticism. Well, she really deserves to be fired like her boss, but that will have to wait.

    I don’t understand how the press corps even shows up in that briefing room, only to be lied to, every day. It must be incredibly frustrating and deflating.

  13. Good one, EJ. Thanks.

  14. My take?
    They lied about the appearance comments because the truth hurts.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets up almost everyday and lies to the American people.
    Plain enough?

  15. maggie says:

    As I said yesterday, SHS knew what she was getting into even before she took the job. For that matter, I was a bit surprised to see her in the WH after the number the Golden Gibbon did on her one and only dad (plus all the other GOP candidates) but, hey, as so many of you today have described so well, a truth teller actually would not be drawn on their own to work in this WH. They have to be pulled in with forceps of some sort; a current or former relationship with the GG, an appeal to patriotism and so on. SHS actually stands at the lectern in the press room and does her damnedest TO NORMALIZE behavior that would get an ordinary individual remanded to a padded cell by friends and family. And kept their indefinitely.

  16. 1smartcanerican says:

    Maybe all journalists should boycott the daily WH Briefing since SHS seldom shares truthful information. The journalists could use this time for more productive activities such as digging into more stories that better reflect the horror of this administration.

  17. I’m with Lunargent, among others. Michelle Obama took a hell of a lot worse than Sanders, and I didn’t see any GOP outrage over the slurs on “a wife and mother.” Somebody who took a high-paying, high-profile job and uses it to lie every day to journalists and, through them, to the American people deserves worse than mockery at a fancy dinner.
