Finally! We’ve All Been Waiting!
Today is the day.
Debbie Riddle, the meanest craziest woman in the Texas Lege has decided on her cause this year.
Immodest breastfeeding.
I’m not sure what that is, but it could not be good.
Two years ago the Republican men of the Texas Legislature embarrassed themselves by circulating a picture of a nursing woman to make a “joke” about a “nanny state.” Democratic State Representative Senfronia Thompson took to the floor and gave an impassioned speech that to this day still echos in the halls of that chamber, shaming them.
At that time Debbie Riddle stood with the women of the Texas House, although she couldn’t help but patronize Rep. Thompson, who is a lawyer and the longest serving Democrat in the House.
But now Debbie has changed her tune and wants to outlaw ‘immodest nursing.”
Now, I am all in favor of breast feeding – however it is important for women to be modest while feeding their baby – and most women are modest and respectful. But, a bill that would allow for law suits if one “interfered” with a woman breast feeding is really going a bit far. If a business owner objects to a woman who is not being modest then be fearful of a law suit is government out of control.
We already have laws again indecency in this state. But Riddle wants the standard for proper breastfeeding to be left to men. You know, the same men who think breasts are funny and should be joked about.
Let me tell you what is government out of control – government that allows men to make decisions about women’s bodies.
Stuff it, Debbie. Everybody knows you’re held together with hairspray and cobwebs anyway.
Thanks to Warner for the heads up.
And from Texas Ellen —