Filling That Alex Jones Void

July 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You can take Alex Jones off the air, but there’s always gonna be some chubby white guy wanting attention.

Please meet Mark Taylor, a man with a mission.  He’s been on QAnon websites and knows there’s money to be made.

He has some new theories about what’s going on out there and most of his theories involve black people, or brown people, or China people, or … well, you get the drift.

Here’s his newest.  He’s trying to explain why there’s been a recent surge in black men found hanged across the country.

“It’s all about keeping the narrative focused on a civil war,” Taylor said. “A bunch of garbage that’s been going on like that—we’ve had what, five hangings now? They found bodies hanging? Give me a break. We know that’s deep state-related, that’s pushing some of this stuff to try to drive the narrative. Now, some of them have been maybe suicides, people trying to martyr themselves because they know what it’s gonna do to this whole black, white thing, to try to start the civil unrest, to try to stoke the fires again. This is what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to keep this going through the election.”

Actually, I think all hangings in America were suicides.  That damn deep state.

You know what? I think these people are the deep state. They are full of disinformation and do everything they can to cause unrest.

Thanks to Henry for the heads up.

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