Fessing Up

January 20, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I rarely talk about my personal life here except, of course, that I have the damn cutest grandson ever, but I guess I need to let you know why I have been awol for a while.

My Bubba is running for re-election as Democratic County Chair.  He’s having to campaign hard because Democrats will vote for a woman over a man almost every time and his opponent is female.  She’s also a minority in a race that will be decided by minorities because that’s where there are other contested primaries.

The good news is that he’s been endorsed by every Democratic elected official in the entire county, about 95% of precinct chairs, and labor.  However, there are about 40,000 people who will vote without knowing anything about this race or having any idea what a party chairman does.  His opponent is completely unqualified for the job but she and her friends are on the phone day and night spreading false rumors about Don.

I love this man and I have loved him for 46 years, so I have been helping him day and night.  Early voting starts the middle of next month and March 1 is election day.  So, don’t expect a lot of work out of me during this time.  Forgive me if I just put up a topic and leave y’all to discuss it.

If you know any Democrats in my county, ask them to vote March 1st for my Bubba – Don Bankston for Democratic Party Chair.

Thank you, guys.


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