
December 07, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Fervor is defined simply as intensity and passion of your feelings. We’ve talked a lot in this space about how cults and cult like behavior is predicated on the shutting down of the factual portion of the brain. The great irony is that the group that calls liberals snowflakes and talks about how we are governed by our feelings are completely taken over by their own feelings and irrational beliefs.

Their messiah said he would not act like a dictator. Well, that’s not entirely true. He would act like one on day one but only day one. He would invoke the Insurrection Act and marshal the forces of the military against its own citizens. Still, that would only be for one day. He says he would stop after that. He doesn’t want to be a dictator. Now, if anyone can parse out those two contradictory statements they can be my guest.

I cannot fathom how one avoids the cognitive dissonance of railing against the powers of the state and its desire to disarm the citizenry while championing a guy that wants to declare martial law. Yet, that is where we are. Let’s ignore the fact that we have heard all of this before. Let’s ignore that we know exactly where this leads because we have all seen it before. For those not cast under the spell of this fervor let’s consider where this goes logically. Who exactly is the vermin? Who are the undesirables? Who are the people that we want to round up like wild animals so that we can ship them out somewhere else?

Imagine the level of hatred that one must have to not only feel that way about another person (or worse a group of people) but also make serious plans on how to actually get this done. This was the fricking Heritage Foundation. It’s a conservative think tank. These are their brightest minds. These aren’t a couple of buddies sitting at the bar four martinis into the evening. This plan wasn’t scribbled on a cocktail napkin before stumbling to their Uber ride home. Project 2025 is that plan.

One can’t intellectually talk about the criminality of Joe Biden and his obvious mental decline with any rational seriousness. For one, one cannot possibly coordinate that level of sophistication and far-reaching avarice while also in cognitive decline. For another, one cannot rationally watch both men and come away that one is clearly on top of his game while the other is an addlebrained jackass. At least you can’t watch them and say that Biden is the addlebrained jackass.

This is all a psychological dodge. One has to develop a fairly intricate series of faux beliefs in order to justify this level of hate in their own mind. People generally aren’t this evil on their own. They don’t go around rounding up their neighbors or putting people in cages like animals. They have to convince themselves they are defending something. They have to convince themselves they are being invaded by some force they can’t quite understand or define. That’s fervor.

So, all cities are at the gates of hell. People are invading our country and are threatening to steal our whiteness (er identity or culture). Liberals in education and the arts are grooming our kids and turning them gay. There is a war on Christmas. There is a war on Jesus. Those murderous and dangerous brown people are coming for you, your job, and your vacation home in Minnesota.

Except it is all a lie. There are big lies and there are gigantic, gargantuan lies. The big lie was about the last election. The gigantic, gargantuan lie is an us vs. them lie. You don’t break that with facts. I’m not sure how you do it. All you can do is keep a close eye. They will come for us too. That much you can guarantee.

0 Comments to “Fervor”

  1. brilliant minds ?? in the heritage bunch??? there could be a few….

  2. Good piece Nick. I agree with the vast majority of everything you’ve said.
    Except the cognitive dissonance.
    As I understand it it’s when someone’s beliefs are contradictory, or some such gobbledygook.
    But IMHO their beliefs are contradictory to us because we’re better informed. Because we choose to be. To listen to different perspectives.
    They’ve chosen to believe what’s in their bubble.
    Their bubble tells them anyone outside their bubble is vermin and can’t be trusted.
    So they never hear anything to dispute that.
    Why would they?
    Everything they consume reenforces it.
    Ain’t no contradictions in that bubble.
    And I personally think they think we’re the weak minded ones for being tempted to disbelieve the OBVIOUS truth.

  3. If Blivet and his minions try to come for me, there will be trouble. I guess I’ll join the family tradition. My great great grandfather was officially excommunicated in what was then northern Italy for publicly questioning the Pope’s infallibility. My grandfather, who raised me, was a member of O5-the Austrian resistance. My mother taught me to question everything-do not accept things on blind faith. Some of my earliest memories are of the occupation troops on the streets of my home town. I got into trouble more than once from 1969-73 in the Air Force for questioning stupid orders.

  4. It’s hard to know where to start. It’s like a wildfire out of control right now. I look at my own family and feel like if things don’t calm down after the next election we all need to leave before members of my family are targets, and they will be. Trans son, black grandson, daughter-in-law who identified as lesbian before she met my son, and all of us outspoken liberals. The 2024 elections can’t get here soon enough. I have no one in my circle of friends and acquaintances who are right wing, thank goodness, and my town is mostly “blue”, but it sure is worrying.

  5. Ted, not Cruz says:

    You seem surprised that someone is manipulating fear and greed for their own advantage. Those are, after all, the more values of the GOP.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Buying in to the lies and fear from the far right media and social media (and gop congress critters) is a defense mechanism that magats need to justify their beliefs. It’s kind of like people that live on lies and cheating have to continue to come up with more lies and cheating. Hmm, who does that remind you of? Hint, he’s the orange baboon leading the polls for the 2024 presidential election. We need to be worried and not let that happen.

  7. dilbert dogbert says:

    Cults you say?
    I have been following YouTubes by people who have left Scientology.
    They think we are all from another galaxy planted here by Xenu an evil IRS/Physiology agent of immense power.
    Here is some links for you:
    I got interested because I had a relationship with a woman scientologist. The folks in the links did not select COS but were dragged in by their parents.

  8. Nick Carraway says:

    I’m never surprised at tactics Ted. I’m disappointed that so many succumb to them. In terms of cognitive dissonance, there comes a time when what is said goes against what we witness. This is why it is infinitely easier to convince people when they have never experienced what you are trying to convince them of. For instance, I can believe New York, Chicago, and Portland are Gotham City if I have never been. I can be convinced that immigrants are evil if I’ve never met one. The same is true for LGTBQ+, ethnic minorities, and women.

    The disappointing part are those that have met and know those folks but somehow convince themselves that the people they know are the exception. It’s all those other people. They are the evil ones. Of course, some are good. It’s like they are living that speech from the bigot in “Twelve Angry Men.”

  9. Nick, good stuff! I also recall in my undergrad days researching the French Revolution. Eventually it flipped from going after “them” and going after those who supported it. Seems to be the way it works. “It” always blindly needs to be fed and will even stoop to eating itself.
