Fair Taxes?

September 04, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In Germany, Pavement Princesses are now paying taxes.  Since the Hoochy-Koochy ladies working indoors have to pay taxes on their earnings, the government felt that the ladies who work the sidewalks should pay, too.

The city of Bonn has begun collecting taxes from prostitutes with an automated pay station similar to a parking meter, proving again that German efficiency knows few if any bounds.

Bonn is not the only city in Germany to charge such a tax, but it is the first to hit upon the idea of a ticket machine that prints out receipts for the nightly flat fee of 6 euros (currently about $8.65) for the privilege of streetwalking. The meter went into service over the weekend, and by Monday morning had collected $382 for the city’s coffers.

Seems fair to me.

So, here’s what I’m wondering:  can we tax political whores?  Since campaign contributions are non-taxable, if seems to me that the least we could do is install an automated pay station outside of congress.

Campaign finance reports would have served as a remarkably prescient crystal ball [on the AT&T / T-Mobile deal]: Lawmakers who’ve taken big bucks from AT&T and T-Mobile’s deal tended to be the most outspoken expressing “disappointment” in the DoJ decision. Lawmakers who shunned AT&T’s largesse were generally pleased.

A Pavement Princess just sells her body.  Your local Congressho sells his soul and your body.  If we could tax that we could settle this national debt thing overnight.

Thanks to Sandy and David for the heads-up. I won’t embarrass them by saying which one sent the Pavement Princess part.

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