FAA Orders a Ground Stop in New York Due to Shortage of Controllers

January 25, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Shutdown, Trump

It’s starting to happen.  The air traffic control system is breaking down because of Trump’s shutdown for nothing.  LaGuardia was ground stopped completely due to shortage of controllers, and Newark, JFK, and Philadelphia are experiencing significant delays.

I predict the government shutdown will be over this weekend, a huge loss for Trump and his supporters.

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0 Comments to “FAA Orders a Ground Stop in New York Due to Shortage of Controllers”

  1. Dare I say the end is near.
    A wise man once said “the USA ia a difficult country to lead.
    But an impossible one to rule.” Trump could learn a lot from King George

  2. This is good. Although an aircrew stand down might be more effective.

  3. dobleremolque says:

    If the shutdown extends another 2 weeks, with all those rich folks’ private aircraft trying to get into Atlanta for the SuperBowl, not to mention all the riff-raff arriving by commercial flying cattleboat …. it’s a consummation breathtaking to contemplate.

  4. Here’s a link to the official FAA flight delay map and info webpage. It shows the various statuses of the major US airports.
    Things appear to be heating up on the East Coast and even over to ORD and ATL. I think it may calm down on the weekend, but next week be very interesting.
    Also, a lot of people may think that tying up US ATC isn’t such a BFD, after all it’s just a few airplanes… but should something happen in-flight, those aircraft do come down; sometimes on top of people on the ground.

    Flight Delay Information – Air Traffic Control System Command Center:

  5. LaGuardia is just the first, if this continues. Other busy airports will follow within days.

  6. Oh God.

    Please let there be no accidents…

  7. This is likely to snowball quickly — when a major hub closes, a lot of traffic gets shuffled around, increasing loads elsewhere. Most of those other places are on shoestrings too.

  8. The punch and judy show continues:

    There’s going to be a presser at 1:30 stating that the govt. will re open – temporarily- for a period of a few weeks as a continuing resolution.

    Whether the govt can spin back up to speed; paychecks, SNAP, air traffic controllers etc. remains to be seen.


  9. EVERY government employee and contractor that isn’t getting paid should call in sick.
    “I’m sick of working for nothing”-sounds good to me.

  10. Democrats should not give this ass the time of day, let alone 5.7 billion cash. He caved like an old Welsh coal mine.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Cute picture of Chuck and Old Scratch walking and talking. Caption says they’re looking for a compromise that might make Donnie happy. Nuh-huh, silly boys. The Speaker has spoken, so if you want your tiny little sputniks back from an undisclosed location in her purse, count ’em. 67 votes.
