Experience Counts, You Know
Public Policy Polling decided, for some odd reason, to polls Republicans about demonic possession.
Fair warning: You probably do not want to go any further. It’s just gonna upset you.
Less than one week away from the election, a terrifying new poll reveals that more than two-thirds of registered Republican voters believe that people can be possessed by demons.
A staggering 68 percent of registered Republican voters stated that they believe demonic possession is real. Meanwhile, only 48 percent of self-identified Republicans believe in another equally if not more scary natural phenomenon: climate change.
78% of Republicans believe that space aliens are part of the Illuminati and the Bilderbergs own Hillary Clinton and force her to use her witch’s broom to make crop circles. The other 32% are not allowed to own sharp objects.
Now that you have that happy thought going into Tuesday’s election ….
Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.