Excuse Me, But Did I Hear Republicans Saying Something About Rude?

October 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Fulshear, Texas.  An Obama sign that I helped raise the money to buy.


Yes, the police were notified and took a report after we assured them that we would prosecute if the rude jerk vandal was caught.  We replaced the sign and put a camera on it.

If I hear one more Republican in this county talk about personal responsibility, I am going to spit.

Thank you, Linda, for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Excuse Me, But Did I Hear Republicans Saying Something About Rude?”

  1. What bothers me the most about this and the nasty racist crap like the witch doctor? That there is obviously very few main stream republicans left since all you hear – if you hear anything – is excuses for this behavior. It makes me so angry. After this election I’m re-registering it’s just not worth trying to change these sick, ignorant thugs from the inside anymore.

  2. aggieland liz says:

    Welcome Norma! If you want something really sorrowful, read the letter from the FBCGOP chair linked in an earlier post. These people sit in church so smugly on Sundays and yap about the Bible til you want to commit an act of violence, but they really believe that any end that best serves their personal agendas, whatever they are, justifies any dirty underhanded means they can come up with! I am distressed for you, because Rs haven’t always been like this, but we aren’t such a bad crowd, really! 🙂

  3. Marge Wood says:

    I’d be pretty mad too. Glad you put a camera on it.

  4. My friends in SD who both vote Dem are registered R, for many reasons. I listened to them and they are good reasons. Nuff said

  5. I’m sometimes torn between disgust at the GOP lockstep rightwingery and a sneaking wish that we could get a bit more lockstep out of the Dems… but no, we should stay the way we are, as difficult to herd as cats, or we wouldn’t be Dems.

    We can take some comfort from the facts that we have nearly all the good songs on our side, as well as the wittiest signs, and that virtually all the lefty signs I’ve seen are correctly spelled and punctuated. (One of my favorites was a guy standing behind a bunch of rightwingers with their signs– his was held up high, with arrows pointing down and around to the other people, and said, “We don’t know what we’re talking about!”)

  6. TexasEllen says:

    The best reason to buy and use a game camera, they are motion activated.

  7. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
    And the stink of desperation is strong among the R’s.

    Hope you catch the person that did this.

  8. My terrific neighbor has an Obama-Biden yard sign to which she has attached the following notice:

    To whoever stole our last yard sign:
    Every time you steal our yard sign, WE DONATE $20 TO THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN for another one, so you may want to rethink your strategy.

  9. It all makes perfect sense if you understand that these guys live by the motto “do as I say, not as I do.” In other words, they have a different set of standards for themselves and others and they believe that is not only right but natural. They are champion hypocrites.

  10. Diane, “champion hypocrites” is a grand phrase, thanks!

  11. Whoops, sorry: Lynne gave us that one, not Diane.!

  12. Elise Von Holden says:

    The thing that bothers me a great deal (the false equal/everyone lies makes me crazy) is the experiences I have had that the Republicans withdraw–knock over the chessboard, get angry and threaten physical violence, will not discuss, and then declare themselves superior…while we just fail back on our own version of moral high ground–the President was staying Presidential in the last debate, and was perceived as the loser. We are engaged in a great civil war, and are losing because wars are not won by being played by old rules–“Red coats” against guerilla tactics in the colonies, horses/sabers against trenches/machine guns and then atomic bombs…we run the risk of becoming the enemy, but mostly we underestimate the cruelty of the white man, “champion hypocrites” indeed, poison blankets for the cold Indians, blatant racism, suppression and wordsmithing, “death panels”

  13. Elise Von Holden says:

    And walk backs..
    We need to become harder in our resolve and faster on the draw–we are funny, smart and loving–what I fear is called for is “a bigger boat”, cruelty, and toughness we are dealing with mindless “Jaws” and intimidation, and ruthlessness of big $$$
    “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just”-T. Jefferson
    The Republicans want endless wars, therefore,no birth control because of the need for cannon fodder, no education and worse no ability to reason–we will end up in “a brave new world” unless we change how we battle the jello–wobbling, slippery and mean and ruthless–and righteous, “wrapped in a flag and carring a cross”–fully capable of murder and mayhem

  14. Chellebeebelle says:

    I guess you haven’t been on 300 block of Ulrich Street in Sugar Land lately. You can find the same kind of disrepect done to Romney signs. So before you go pointing fingers…you better look in your own backyards first. I’m not saying that defacing a political sign is the thing to do BUT I am saying that Democrats are just as guilty of doing the same thing.

    Chellebeebelle sent me this email anonymously and then delicately balanced a chip on her shoulder and asked, “Why do you not publish differing opinions? What happened to covering both sides of the story and unbiased media?” She then threatened to tell Michael Berry. You know the ultra rightwing radio host who found himself in a hit-and-run accident outside a gay nightclub in the wee hours of the morning. What happened to unbiased media, Honey? Michael Berry killed it. Cellebeebelle proves that irony is not dead.

    I should mention that Berry took the place of far rightwing radio personality Jon Matthews who went to the pokey. He was a pervert.

  15. Dear Cellebeebelle: Mizz Juanita Jean can answer for herownself, but as a champion of property rights like the rest of the GOP, you should grasp the difference between a soapbox you own (as, a website and a blog) and a public news media. Rush Limbaugh sure does. How far do you think I’d get telling Rush to “cover both sides of the story?”

    This isn’t my bailiwick…but my bailiwick is mine, and political in places (when it’s not about knitting) and I have absolutely no obligation to you or anyone else to say what you want.

    The thing to do, if your yard signs are being stolen or defaced, is get a game cam. Set it up, catch the perp in the act, and tell the police. That’s called “taking personal responsibility” for what goes on in your yard and “showing initiative” in combatting crime and it creates jobs by creating a market for D batteries (the ones that run game-cams.)
