Everybody Wants To Help

July 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, y’all, this is so sweet of them.

Deutsche Bank has agreed to hand over records of its financial dealings with President Donald Trump after months of stalling and insistence that the records are confidential and privileged information.

Everybody send them a thank you note, okay?  Deutsche Bank has loaned Trump over a billion dollars even when no one else would.

In response to inquiries by Congressional Democrats, initially Deutsche Bank balked, citing privacy laws. However, on Wednesday the company agreed to comply with investigators.

Yeah, because, you know, organized crime is illegal all over the place.

And it appears that the only person at Fox News who still supports Trump is Sean Hannity.  All the rest of them have had about a gallon too much of him already.

Hey, even OJ had a better day than Donald Trump.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up. 

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