Every Now and Then Their Pants Fall Down

January 19, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember when I told you about how the Multnomah County Republican Party in Oregon up and decided that a great way to celebrate the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Dr. Martin Luther King was to raffle off an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle?  You know, two men murdered with guns.

Well, there’s been a small hitch in their fan belt.  It seems that some people, one even from right here at your favorite beauty salon, decided that it was be a good move to complain to the church where the Multnomah County Republican Party was holding this event.

A Greek Orthodox church in Portland on Friday yanked permission for the Multnomah County Republican Party to hold a Lincoln Day fundraising dinner tied to a controversial gun raffle.

Of course, they are playing victim, claiming that “this is what Republicans face in Multnomah County,” a heavily Democratic County.  I don’t think he completed the sentence.  In actuality it goes like this – “this is what Republicans face in Multnomah County … when they try to do something butt ignorant and hateful.”

Way to go, Oregon Democrats.  If Republicans are going to celebrate violence, better it is that God not endorse it.

Thanks to Fenway Fran and Mark for the heads up. 

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