Every Damn Day

June 03, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have no idea how much money Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is paying to show up on my Facebook page every damn day spreading lies about President Obama but it’s probably about the same amount as landing on Boardwalk with a hotel.

Not even one of his ads ever mentions what Greg Abbot believes in.  Oh no, it’s just Let’s All Be Very Afraid of Obama.   Every day it’s guns, health care, or the forked end of a rattlesnake.

So, Greg, if you’re spending a boatload of money just to piss me off, it’s working.  And every single day you show up on my Facebook page, I’m donating $5 to the Texas Democratic Party.  Speaking of which, Texas Democrats just hired a big guy to make us a big party.  So, hunker down, Greg, because you’re hacking me off.

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0 Comments to “Every Damn Day”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, great idea! Words I don’t use in public without undue aggravation, repeat of words I don’t use in public etc etc. GIVE MONEY TO THE DEMOCRATS IN TEXAS. We need it. I personally don’t, not that extra money doesn’t come in handy but I have shelter and clothing and food for which all my neighbors are glad, but the TEXAS DEMOCRATS could use your money better than the banks and I can.
    JJ, you should be honored that Abbott’s computer takes the time to talk to your computer. Gee. He never does that to my computer.

  2. This is a great idea and I’m in 100%. I’ll be watching Texase turn blue with green from Iowa!!

  3. There have been several interesting studies now indicating that Republicans tend to be more strongly motivated by fear than most people are. Obviously the party leadership does its best to instill that fear, but may Repubs just have a larger fear center in their brain to begin with. They sure do eat it up.

  4. LynnN, I’ve seen those studies, that Rs are more fearful and want order, and Ds are more open to new ideas. My conclusion is that if you’re going to open (or eat in) an unusual ethnic restaurant, choose a D neighborhood.

    Don’t know which is chicken and which egg– the R pols keep doing everything they can to make R voters afraid of this, that, and the other D thing, but it works for them, so the messages fall on fertile scared soil.

  5. Greg Abbott doesn’t believe for a second that the President wants our guns. What he does believe is that with the petition signatures, he will have a handy database of paranoid Republicans who will send Greg Abbott money for his next campaign. Swine.

  6. gramiam says:

    JJ, I have submitted this post to Facebook and a movement among my brethren has begun to chuck money into a “cuss jar” and forward same to the Texas Democratic Party at the end of each month. Considering the plethora of babblings from the GOP/Tea Partiers in Texas, there should soon be tons of money to turn Texas blue.

  7. Sam in Kyle says:

    Abbott is big on guns and Libya. I complained to FB about the gun posting and they have stopped on my timeline. I’m having to come up with new ways to tell Abbott where to shove his crappy ads.

  8. Abbott just needs to replace the photo in his ad for accuracy. If he used a picture of a guy in body armor holding an AK-47 with illegal ammo clips, firing on innocent (fill in the blank). Then people could see the type of guns Obama is really trying to take away.

  9. Abbott and Dewhurst are like ‘dueling banjos’ when it comes to the fear mongering. Each one trying to top the other.

  10. “Don’t let ’em take your guns!” Doesn’t matter that there’s some 70 million+ guns in possession by Americans, as opposed to the 4 million owned by the government (including the military)… “Don’t let ’em take your guns!” We’re already well past the point where we could reasonably implement gun control in this country, because “Don’t let ’em take your guns!” is the only thing some people can hear. Never mind that gun possession is the only thing still unlicensed in this country, with the requirement that you can use them intelligently (like we do with cars, planes, scalpels and laws, not to mention hair clippers and nail files) being unnecessary.

  11. Perhaps I could get on his mailing list, and when he asks for a contribution, I could send him 100 pounds of manure.
