Even Blind Squirrels Can Find Acorns
Well, Rand Paul may be off on his timing, but his message is on target.
He came to the Big Houston last night and fussed at Republicans.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said his former home state of Texas could easily turn blue if Republicans fail to adapt to shifts in the state.
Speaking at a dinner hosted by the Harris County Republican Party in Houston, Texas on Saturday, Paul warned that the Lone Star State “will be a Democratic state within 10 years if you don’t change.”
Personally, I think he’s off by about 8 years. He says that Republicans should be more welcoming to “people of all races. We need to welcome people of all classes — business class, working class.”
Well, a good start would be to stop calling people by classes like we’re still in some kind of feudalism around here. And you might want to mention hooter toters. Y’all done hacked off a whole mess of us.
There’s a meme I’ve been saving just for when Ron Paul of Looneytarism comes up. Ta da! It’s now.