Enjoy Your Holiday

April 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



And remember — there’s always that one kid who is barely tolerating this whole deal.


And he’s probably related to me.


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0 Comments to “Enjoy Your Holiday”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Well, he’s adorable!

    Happy Easter back at everyone in the Salon!

  2. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    We had 2 of those kids who barely tolerated things like that. I’m pretty sure they learned it from their parents.

  3. A 6-foot tall rabbit is the stuff of dreams. Bad dreams! I’m with the grandboy! Let’s go kick a soccer ball or something else fun!!

  4. Spittin image, I’ll bet……

  5. Maymoon says:

    i admit a six foot bunny can be scary, enjoy all the candy though. My children always thought “the”Easter bunny lived in our backyard in a hole under a tree. They used to thank him by shouting down the hole for the candy…innocence so sweet.

  6. My older brother had red hair too, and he always got in trouble because teachers could pick him out in the crowd. “I know YOU were there!”

    Those fertility symbols six feet tall can be a bit intimidating. Happy Beltane in a month on May 1!

  7. Sam in St Paul says:

    Happy Easter to my Christian friends and Happy Fertility Rites to everyone else.

  8. slipstream says:


  9. Happy Easter, Good Pesach, don’t prank the wrong people on April Fool’s Day, and I LOVE the photo, JJ.

  10. maryelle says:

    He’s a dead ringer for Opie, but even cuter. thanks for sharing the joy.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Ben will need very secure teachers. He has logical questions and he expects logical answers. He says someone told him a story that begins with 3 dudes being nailed to crosses. So he’d like to know exactly Happy Easter for whom? As for the person strangely dressed passing out candy … don’t take candy from strangers, but what about strange people?

  12. I got it. One of mine, at about that age, looked me smack in the face and said ‘I’m sure going to be upset with you if I find out you have been lying to me about all this Santa Claus stuff’.

    Forewarned is forearmed. Get ready for it. Have your response ready.

  13. Mary Jo Dupre says:

    Such a precious little child – So cute ! ! !
