
April 27, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“Oh, dear Lord,” Juanita begins rolling her eyes skyward.  “Texas Governor Rick Perry shot a coyote.”

“While jogging, he claims to have killed that sucker dead with a .380 Rugar loaded with hollow points bullets.  But, that’s not even the creepy news.  The creepy news is that he carries the Rugar because ‘he is afraid of snakes.’  Whoa!  Why should he fear his own species?”

“To make matters worse,” she grins, “I am a little old lady.  I admit that I arm myself against snakes when I’m out walking.  With a damn stick.  It’s a dead stick.  And it’s not even loaded.  And I’m a girl.”

“And to make matters even worse than worse, his hollow bullet Rugar is laser sighted.  What’s he do?  Shoot at PowerPoint presentations he doesn’t like?”

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