Election Night Giggles

May 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s 9:45 on election night and I can’t stop giggling.

You know the Chief Deputy at the Sheriff’s Office who started running for sheriff 4 years ago and we had some fun here telling him everything he was doing wrong?  I mean, I thought that was real sweet of us, trying to help him win and all.

But he didn’t listen.

Instead he spent $550,000 for a race where the pay is $105,000 a year.  And, at this time right now, he’s got a whoppin’ 33% of the vote.  You read that right.  He spend half a million dollars to run for sheriff, five times what anyone has ever spent for any race that I know of in the county.

And he got beat so bad that his grandchildren will be born shaking.  He’s got pounded so bad that he’ll have to unzip his pants to see out tomorrow morning.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and they are right about that in this case.  I scampered by my own voting precinct today and Brady’s opponent had people meeting voters at their cars and asking for their vote.  Craig Brady thought this poll was so important that he had the current retiring sheriff hisownself there to campaign for him.

Sitting in the shade.

That’s the sheriff in the red shirt, lounging under a tree.  You couldn’t even see him from the voting location.  Plus, to make matters even worse, that’s Brady’s opponent’s sign right there in front of them.  You can see a tee-tiny little corner of Brady’s sign in yellow sticking just a tad out, like the sheriff, who is supposed to be Brady’s friend, is trying to hide it.  I went by at 10:00 am. I went back at noon.  I went back at 5:00 and there he still sat.  I never saw a man that good at sittin’.

And that, my friend, is how these ole boys ran the sheriff’s department.  They spend a boatload of money and then sit around on their beehinds, hoping crimes will solve themselves.

Schadenfreude is so sweet.

And for locals, just remember this:  Brady may have won the battle against Bev Carter but, dammit, she won the war!  Big time.

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