Election Eve Entertainment

November 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My Outsmart Column this month is kinda fun.  Enjoy and feel free to comment over there.


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0 Comments to “Election Eve Entertainment”

  1. charles r. phillips says:

    I read it and commented, and boy howdy, somebody needs to read that sucker! Out loud, and a big guffaw at the end.

    Bless Texas, so it doesn’t become Oklahoma!

  2. e platypus onion says:

    No offense,but JJ posted a story about this awhile back on this site and a few days ago Sheila Kennedy did a story using JJ’s earlier post.

    OTOH, Failin allowed her daughter and live in bf to park a trailer behind the guv’s mansion and Failin had electricity-which the public pays for the mansion- run to the trailer and the public got stuck for that for awhile. Turns out parking the trailer and using electricity was against the law and Failin had to pay the state for the electricity. JJ ran this story, too, sometime ago if I remember right.

  3. I think it is just sad that the concept of a woman being elected POTUS crushes so many people’s image of themselves. And, in all fairness, perhaps part of the vast nutjob conspiracy had to do with premonitions about what would happen when the (more) intelligent Clinton ran the White House. No doubt Hillary is as arrogant as all get out, but maybe she has reason to be…

    Sadly, I have no idea who my congressional candidates are this year because the Cheeto Jesus stole all the O2 from the room ><

  4. Old Fart, as things stand, do you need to know? I voted R once, but the circumstances were extraordinary and it was only for county exec so how much damage could she do.

    Voting is like driving– to go backward, put it in R; to go forward, put it in D.

  5. I read that Oklahoma just had a 5+ earthquake. Guess this is what Mary prayed for.

  6. Simply, because of your column heading and because you sent us there, here is the the latest from Randy Rainbow. Enjoy!

  7. Have any of you had that experience of being shunned and criticized for acknowledging in any way your own skills and competencies?

    It seems like being an intelligent and rational human is going out of style.

    Is it because we’re reverting to mere tribalism?

  8. I’m watching MSNBC and Chelsea give a full- throated endorsement of Hillary that sounds like a child so proud of her parent she’s about ready to bust. It’s really sweet. It’s like Chelsea is so relieved it’s over and eager for Madame President.
