El Paso

February 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The best coverage came from the local folks.  (Note: This link will only be good today.)

Not news: Trump lied about the size of his crowd.  Trump lied about about crime in El Paso. The crowd shouted “Lock her up” more than once although no women in the Trump administration have gone to jail. Yet.

Rawstory caught the decline in Trump’s ability to describe his protestors.

“Where do these people come from? Where do they come from? They go back home to mommy. They get punished when they get home,” Trump said, using an odd phrase.

Since farmers and ranchers have become increasingly adamant that Trump’s wall cannot interrupt their use the river or take any of their land, Trump announced that he was going to build the wall “on the river.” I guess right down the middle or something. That’ll be an engineering wonder! I give it a week before it ends up in the Gulf of Mexico.

I’ll meet you at Boca Chica beach to watch Trump’s Wall end up in an apocalyptic pile.



Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


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