Eight Minutes of American Courage and Knowledge That You Are Not Alone

June 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

That you, Jon Stewart. Enjoy and heed.



Hav a good weekend.


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0 Comments to “Eight Minutes of American Courage and Knowledge That You Are Not Alone”

  1. Ahhh, that does my heart good. I miss that man.

  2. maryelle says:

    Oh that felt good. We certainly cannot call what you have been doing to our citizens and allies right. We must do all in our power to shout to the heavens that it is WRONG!!!
    Of course Dump and the Repugs don’t want anything done about the Russian interference in our elections, it gave them power and probably will again. Hence Dump and Putin meet to shore up plans for fixing the midterms and once again, there will be no record or American press to report the facts.
    Get ready to march in the streets.

  3. Jon Stewart is the best.

    He spoke for all of us. Hope we all take that message to our neighbors.

    The only way to make a change is to vote those convictions… and perhaps influence one other person to vote.

  4. Aggieland Liz says:

    Thank you, I needed that. I love that guy, he is marvelous. (Colbert is too; also Jimmy Fallon, but a little differently!) I keep reminding myself that anything worth having is worth fighting for; we need to make this a bloodless war though-another Civil War would not benefit us in any way I can conceive. I like Jefe’s anger hammer, but there’s a risk in the use of anger: when it burns hot it can start an uncontrollable conflagration. The anger we need is that of our greatest generation, cold and determined. They set their faces like flint, for they felt they had a responsibility to the world, and they realized too that there was no room for error. Vladimir Putin is in the process of unleashing that beast from deep within us upon the world again. Donald Trump, President of my nation, and aided and abetted by the most worthless pack of elected and appointed officials in our history -I am so ashamed to say it!- has made of us a foolish and willing tool for that evil Russian madman. Grit your teeth, gird your loins, and teach your children, folks. We’ve got some 10-20 tough years to slog through, and we need to be the ones to remember what we were when we get to the other side. There’s no room for error this time either.

  5. Best line – “…gleeful cruelty and dickishness”. A Stewart classic.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    If the minority of voters who voted for *uckface Von Clownstick had been watching The Daily Show instead of the Fox Propaganda, maybe we wouldn’t be subjected to Donnie’s “…gleeful cruelty and dickishness” on twitter and via executive fiat. Yes indeed, Jon, it does feel like 500 years of Donnie’s crap.

  7. “Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living”. – Mother Jones

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Correction on the time line, the guilty plea was 2011. 2013 was when the newspaper reported his harassment of them to LE. So it was a 7 year not 5 history of his crazy ruminating.

    Also LE corrected the fingerprint situation. The guy was not cooperating so the technician received a blurry set of prints causing a lag or delay in identification. He had not physically altered his prints.

  9. treehugger says:

    I could just weep listening to this. Some days after seeing FB posts from a dear friend, otherwise a generous, loving and kind woman, posting crap about Obama (still … really …?) and right-wing Trump glorification, I wonder if this country has completely gone to the dark side. Jon Stewart has said everything I’ve been thinking. THANK YOU, Jon. And he is right. We can never, ever, call ANYTHING Trump has done the endless nighmare of time he has been in office the right thing to do. Somehow we must get the Democrats to the polls.

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    “Dickensian level of villainy” — that’s the phrase I’ve been groping for. Daniel Quilp meets Wackford Squeers, with just a touch of Josiah Bounderby. Thanks, Jon.

  11. I miss jon Stewart like I miss Obama. It is so bad that every now and then I actually miss Trent Lott!

  12. “Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living”. – Mother Jones via Papa.

    Yes. I’ve always loved that quote. Aggieland Liz is right too. Anger is a good and powerful emotion best channeled toward making this right!
