Eggs Over Hard

January 21, 2010 By: admin Category: Uncategorized

Yes, I am a happier woman today because the Texas Republicans are splattering like egg on a hot sidewalk.

Thanks to my friend Kenneth, I awoke to news that they’ve got loco camped out in their eyeballs.

A whole mess of them held a rally at the State Capitol where they skinned, field dressed, barbequed, and ate their own. It was fine dining.

With rhetoric that was at times reminiscent of Ross Perot’s third-party presidential campaign nearly two decades ago, and sometimes echoed the invective hurled during the states’ rights movement before the Civil War, speaker after speaker served up their harshest criticism of Obama and Congress.

But Perry and his GOP re-election challenger, U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, and state lawmakers did not escape the anger. Other signs read: “Vote ‘Em Out,” “Perry: The Next Unemployed Texan,” Hey, Governor. It’s Time To Go!” and “Throw Out Kay Bail Out.”

It is more than a tad amusing that Texas Governor Rick Perry helped start the movement that’s now out of his control and dead set on canceling his free parking pass.Stupid is as stupid does

They booed a few Republican State Rep’s and made some wacko remarks about the President. I suspect that their earlier code of respecting the President onlyapplies to Presidents named Bush.

“The time has come for people to rise up and defeat their anti-American, Marxist agenda,” he said of the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress, as the crowd cheered.

They did come to one startling realization that most the rest of us have known for a while —

“The Republican Party tried to use us, but we’re onto them now,” said Norman Shugar, 77, who drove in from outside Houston.

Hey, Rick and Sarah Palin – check behind you because those you thought you were leading are now carrying tar and feathers. You aren’t leading anymore – you’re being chased.applies to Presidents named Bush.

“The time has come for people to rise up and defeat their anti-American, Marxist agenda,” he said of the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress, as the crowd cheered.

They did come to one startling realization that most the rest of us have known for a while —

“The Republican Party tried to use us, but we’re onto them now,” said Norman Shugar, 77, who drove in from outside Houston.

Hey, Rick and Sarah Palin – check behind you because those you thought you were leading are now carrying tar and feathers. You aren’t leading anymore – you’re being chased.

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