Eddie Gallagher: Birds of a Feather
There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Eddie Gallagher is a psychopath. The horrors he committed while wearing the uniform of honorable men and women amounts to real flag burning at its most visible. But, he struts today standing on the murdered bodies of women and children non-combatants.
Gallagher is real good at killing unarmed people but not so good at performance during combat. Kinda like Trump putting refugees and children in cages. That’s not heroic. That’s chickencrap.
We end this year of Trump with another brutal thuggish stain on America, all because our Commander in Chief is vicious but is too cowardly to fight with anything other than juvenile name-calling behind a glass screen.
He’s trying to prove to Putin and Kim that he’s just as evil as they are.
My héros are people I would share a tent with on a camping trip. I hope Trump feels the same way about Gallagher.