EBOLA, Y’all!

October 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie says that (1) the reason the Secret Service can’t protect the President because of “political correctness.”  And then just to jack with your mind, he refuses to explain what this political correctness is, and (2) that the President sending 3,000 soldiers to Africa to catch ebola and “bring ebola back to us.”

No, I am not jacking with you.

Here’s Lou and Louie to break your brain.

And then there’s Rand Paul, who says the government is lying to us about ebola.  And we know that because the government lies about everything.

Paul, who’s laying groundwork for a potential presidential campaign, said “we should not underestimate the transmissibility of this” and questioned the validity to what experts have said.

He said officials and the government are letting “political correctness” stand in the way of serious discussion about the threat.

“It’s a big mistake to downplay and act as if ‘oh, this is not a big deal, we can control all this.’ This could get beyond our control,” he said.

What the hell?  Yeah, the enemy is political correctness?  If we would just let Louie and Rand call the President the N word then we’d be safe from ebola.  It’s your choice.  Let us use the N word or we all die.

EBOLA, y’all!  Get scared!  Blame someone.  Anyone, as long as they are a Democrat.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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