East Texas, Y’all
You know how the rightwing keeps calling transgender persons in the military a liberal “social experiment?”
Okay, let me show you a real “social experiment.” East Texas is a social experiment. The whole damn place. I am convinced of it.
A 23 year old man living in Tyler, Texas, showed up for jury duty drunk and holding a large Coke cup filled with beer.
The deputies said the man was walking in an unstable manner and appeared to not be in a normal mental state when he left the jury room and exited the building, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.
When the man attempted to come back inside the courthouse, deputies stopped him. Once he was stopped, he turned the Coca-Cola cup over to the deputies.
The sumbitch shows up drunk for jury duty and then leaves for a refill.
He was arrested for public intoxication with a $260 bond. The county does not release the names of people arrested for misdemeanors, which is a shame because I am certain this guy’s arrest picture would include a sleeveless shirt and a Make American Great Again cap.
Thanks to Sarah for the heads up.