Dumb As Bean Dip.

March 21, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas senator John Cornyn is pointing fingers and whining again instead of finding solutions and fixing problems.

Some of the migrants are being brought to Dallas.  They will be temporarily housed in the Dallas Convention Center.


Okay, so they are giving the vaccine outside. The migrants will be inside. Two, it’s a big joint. You can do two things at once there. Three, last time I was in Dallas, they had more than one big ole place with a big parking lot. Four, Dallas has opened up a three additional distribution point this weekend. And five …

— 100 days, 100M COVID vaccine shots guaranteed. 42 days ahead of schedule.

That’s got be eating at Cornyn’s skanky nasty old heart.  Competence is one battlefield he can’t fight on.

Thanks to AlaninAustin for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Dumb As Bean Dip.”

  1. Eating at his heart ? Does he have any left to gnaw on ?

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Immigration is not a new repugnantican war cry, but it may be their only narrative now since they have no other plans. It’s the perfect go to in order to change the subject from all the damage they’ve done over the past many months.

  3. I look forward to John Cornyn’s next Tweet about another big problem:

    If you’re walking anywhere it means you can’t chew gum.

  4. The Surly Professor says:

    Let’s console ourselves with the thought: Senators have been this dumb before. But they did not have the capability to fire off their brain droppings to millions without things first being filtered by their staff, then through journalists who would not print stuff this stupid without some prettification.

    Slightly related: remember MTG’s Jewish space laser brainwave? Well, if anyone wants to get me a birthday gift, consider


    I have not decided which I prefer: the on/off switch, or the one labeled Jewish/Gentile.

  5. You can also get Secret Jewish Space Laser pins or cat pointers at Dissent Pins.


    I’m buying one of the pins.

  6. RepubAnon says:

    The old Austin Lounge Lizards song mocking Republican fear-mongering over immigrants comes to mind: “ Teenage Immigrant Welfare Mothers on Drugs.” (“There’s a scapegoat we can blame…”)

    Pity that Republicans find the easiest path to election these days is to blame a scapegoat for the results of Republican policies.

  7. Bob Boland says:

    Surly (you don’t mind my using your fist name, do you?) – what I have always wondered ever since hearing about the Secret Jewish Space Laser is – how the heck did they get it into space in the first place? Have they got a Secret Jewish Launch Facility somewhere?

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    Ahh, good question Bob. For someone raised in the Baptist biblical literalist tradition, it’s easy. Remember the pillar of dust by day and the pillar of fire by night that led the Israelites around the wilderness (Exodus 13:21-22)? That was from the launch vehicles. And after 40 years of wandering and launches, they probably have dozens of delis and synagogues in orbit by now.

    The manna from heaven was probably the left-over bagels being thrown out each day. I haven’t worked out just how they avoided being burnt up on re-entry. Must have been a miracle.

    James @ 5: I’ll get the laser model. It’s something than can amuse my wife’s cat.

  9. Karen in New Mexico says:

    Bob Boland @7 – yes, the secret launch facility is in Roswell, NM. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes.

  10. I realize this probably sounds conspiracy-ish, but here it is.
    We know there’s trump loyalists in law enforcement and the military. And we know at least some of them are willing to sacrifice American democracy, fully believing that they’re fighting to save it.
    So I imagine the clandestine services has those folks too. And I can imagine some of them in chaotic Central American countries starting rumors that convince desperate people with young children to come to us.
    It wouldn’t take much. They’d just have to show that in 4 years our immigration and refugee policies could go back to trump’s.
    Or worse.
    IMHO it’s like a run on a bank, with as many desperate people as possible trying to find their best chance at comparative safety for their children before it goes away.

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    The really dumb thing is that Texans sent him back for six more years. The replies I get from him after emails to his office are as inane as his tweets. He’s a money grubber like the rest.

  12. john in denver says:

    Karen in New Mexico … the launch site may be in Roswell, but it is no doubt the outgrowth of the cyprto-Jews among the descendants of the conquistadores.

  13. Beststash says:

    In reference to the emails sent to Cornyn and Cruz and their replies….it is obvious that they could care less about any feedback from their constituents. They know that the dumbasses will re-elect them and those are the sad facts. At least we have a fighting chance in the Senatorial elections. In the case of our Congress varmints it is basically a lost cause. Evidence of this is just look at those we have elected. And it will get worse with the upcoming redistricting. I wish I knew the answer.
