Duh, Lindsey
Okay, so Lindsey Graham can’t seem to shut his mouth lately. He is filling the Trump Twitter Void with Lindseyisms. He is so afraid that Ted Cruz is going to get attention.
Here’s a lovely example.
“The biggest winner of this whole impeachment trial is Lara Trump,” Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.” “My dear friend Richard Burr, who I like and have been friends to a long time, just made Lara Trump almost the certain nominee for the Senate seat in North Carolina to replace him if she runs, and I certainly will be behind her because she represents the future of the Republican Party.”
Burr has already announced that he’s not running again so why would his vote help her in particular?
The intellect of Lara Trump.
In April 2019, she described German chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to accept refugees during the European migrant crisis of 2015 as “the downfall of Germany; it was one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany.”
Yep – one of the very worse.
And that is the future of the Republican Party. #CancelCulture