Dude, Your Name is Cruz

June 07, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a way out there TeaParty rightwing nut guy named Ted Cruz who is in a Republican run-off election for the United States senate with just a regular rightwing nut named David Dewhurst.

This is Texas, where Hispanics make up the fastest growing population in the state. So, Univision wants to sponsor a debate en Espanol.

Guess which candidate doesn’t speak Spanish?

Hint: It ain’t Dewhurst.

Guess which candidate touts his Hispanic background.

Hint: That also is not Dewhurst.

This is Texas where everybody with a triple digit IQ speaks Spanish. I hope Cruz takes some Spanish lessons. Then he can be nuts in two languages. That would be amusing.

Thanks to Anthony for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Dude, Your Name is Cruz”

  1. “I hope Cruz takes some Spanish lessons. Then he can be nuts in two languages.”

    And the folks with no hearing can probably figure out for themselves that he’s a doooooosh. So, that’s almost like sign language, isn’t it?

    That’s gotta be like a trifecta, right?

  2. I’m gonna “pin” this one…. under “You can’t make this stuff up”.

    This is the best they (Republicans) could do….. to try to get the Latino vote. It’s pitiful.

  3. Donna A says:

    I am comfortable in TexMex, and when I sat by some Cubans on a plane, I couldn’t figure out a thing they were saying. It was the most perverted Spanish I ever heard. I bet Cruz could not make it a day in Laredo.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    That is one of the funniest things I’ve heard all week.

    I think God made Texas just to show us he has a sense of humor.

  5. God made Texas to show us some of the grandest scenery of life…then he recruited Texans to fill it up because the Divine needed a good Comedy Sit-com to watch.

  6. From the Austin American-Statesman:

    “Cruz, the son of a Cuban immigrant, expressed doubts to Univision about a Spanish-only debate, saying he isn’t fluent and grew up speaking a mix of Spanish and English”

    So…the Anglo’s Spanish is better than the Latin guy’s Spanish? Only in Texas…

    He’s what my Mexican-American wife likes to call a LINO (Latin In Name Only).

  7. Oh my! “Poor” Mr. Cruz. Caught with his pants down as it were.

    Lorraine and Star, I’ve been saying for years that God has a warped sense of humor. This is one more confirmation.

  8. OldMayfly says:

    IMO, Mexican Spanish is spoken with a kind of musical cadence–the words flow into each other, whereas Cuban Spanish is rapid-fire staccato.

    The funniest Spanish I ever heard was from a young Texas Ranger who was suspicious of my Sweetie and me when we crossed the border into the US. He approached us and asked (emphasizing each syllable) “Har-Blahr-Ess-Pan-Yolle”? It took us a moment to figure out what he was saying.

  9. Do Hispancis vote in the GOP primary? This is not normally a key Tea Party demographic

  10. JumpinJimmy says:

    Dewhurst needs to be sent packing

  11. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I knew I felt a whole lot dumber when I lived in Texas. I didn’t realize that only knowing French, German, and Melanesian Pidgin (in addition to English) dragged my IQ down to 99.

  12. I’m voting for the Democratic candidates in the General Election. What really irritates me is Republicans, all of them, who refer to our party is the Democrat Party. I know it is done on purpose but even in Texas there is more than ONE Democrat and it really, really, makes my blood pressure go up but I assume that is the purpose.

  13. I dunno guys and gals…..I was born in Houston in the 60s, lived in Texas all my life, have a Hispanic surname, but we never spoke Spanish growing up. My Dad was taught early on that if he wanted to get ahead in the US, he needed to speak English. It’s a cryin shame, but there you are. So all the Spanish I know comes from working the oil fileds and construction sites – basically curse words 🙂

  14. Kenneth, they do that to themselves here in Texas. I was in Huntsville one day and noticed the sign on the “Democrat” headquarters. I seriously thought about getting me a marker and fixing it for them.

  15. OldMayfly says:

    Galvez, never too late to learn. Though I’m not one to talk–it has been years since I lived in Mexico and I have lost all my Spanish (which was a second language to begin with).

  16. I think they should go ahead and have the debate en Español, so Cruz can stand there with his thumb in his ear the whole time. That would be enlightening for the electorate.

  17. Thanks OM, no truer words spoken – But I’m tryin to learn French atm, just so I can round out my Liberal/Pinko resume’. Nothing makes the good ‘ol boys do a double take more than an answer in French. And when they make snide comments, I ask ’em why they hate Texas. This forces them to think, which is normally not their strong suit. I then ask them to name the 6 flags of Texas, and when/if they get to France, the 10 watt bulb blinkers on inside their noggins, and they grumble something about commies or socialism then they shut up. Works every time.

  18. Lorraine in Spring says:


    Try my French teacher’s daily instructions:

    Assoyez-vous et fermez votre bouche, si vous plait.

    “Sit down and shut your mouth, please”.

    I hope the spelling is correct. It’s been a while. A long while.

  19. Steven Hernandez says:

    For decades “whitey” said,” speak English you specks”! And He meant it too. So now a major candidate of a particular heritage can’t speak Spanish so you beat up on him. So some guy followed the same immigrant path that every damn one of your ancestors followed and he dropped some of the old ways along the way. I don’t fault him one bit for following the American Dream. I fault him for pulling up the ladder after he reached for the top.

    If my language bothered you then too damn bad! This is one instance when Gen. Patton was right, you want someone to remember give it to them loud and dirty.
