Dude, Your Name is Cruz

June 07, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a way out there TeaParty rightwing nut guy named Ted Cruz who is in a Republican run-off election for the United States senate with just a regular rightwing nut named David Dewhurst.

This is Texas, where Hispanics make up the fastest growing population in the state. So, Univision wants to sponsor a debate en Espanol.

Guess which candidate doesn’t speak Spanish?

Hint: It ain’t Dewhurst.

Guess which candidate touts his Hispanic background.

Hint: That also is not Dewhurst.

This is Texas where everybody with a triple digit IQ speaks Spanish. I hope Cruz takes some Spanish lessons. Then he can be nuts in two languages. That would be amusing.

Thanks to Anthony for the heads-up.

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