Dude, You Cannot Use Them All At Once. There’s Regulations About That.

December 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

North Carolina State Senator Bob Rucho almost made history.

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My theory is that the only reason he left off “marauding hordes of Huns” was because of the 140 character limit.

But, he does get extra points for mixed metaphors.  But, at the very least his tweet rates a “Bob Rucho Ole College Try Day” at the Texas Lege.




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0 Comments to “Dude, You Cannot Use Them All At Once. There’s Regulations About That.”

  1. Jan Kimmons says:

    And he evidently doesn’t know the difference between “then” and “than.”

  2. Where does he come up with this anyway? Sheesh. You think he ever reads history from anything but an 8th grade text book?

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Atilla the Hun may have been a dwarf and been overlooked.

  4. Lately, I don’t like telling people I live in Texas. Now I don’t like telling people I was born in North Carolina.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Would love to debate Bob Rucho. We could begin with a little agreement. John Roberts is a disaster, on that we could agree. Then we would diverge as to why Roberts is a disaster. Sorry Bob and John, corporations are not people, the Citizens United decision was just plain silly.

    Obamacare or the ACA is far from perfect and the fix is an easy one. Give the insurance companies their pink slips and come on with single payer. Take two words, over 65, out of Medicare and the plan is already in place.

  6. He left out “marauding hordes of Huns” because he already hit the limit on the number of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors you can make in a tweet.

  7. Swords? Those guys had guns. I thought right-wingers loved guys with guns.

  8. Drinking. Yup, he was drinking.

  9. Another tweet, another sign that wisdom, civility, grammar, spelling, and punctuation don’t count for much in Congress.

  10. Extremists can only see everything in terms of extremes. No moderation, no balance, just a fantasy world of extreme consequences no matter how middle-of-the-road reality may be.

  11. So exactly how much damage did Hitler, the Soviets, and terrorists do to the USA with swords?

    If, as I suspect, the answer is Zero, then Justice Roberts and Obamacare haven’t done any damage either, he’s saying.

    I think Justice Roberts has done a frack of a lot of damage, but that’s mostly because of Citizens United and the voting rights negation, which probably isn’t what this jackwagon is thinking of.

  12. North Carolina stoopid! These conservative toadstools seem to pop up everywhere. Time to eradicate ’em with some good ole Democrat Deterrent.

  13. Y’all…Please give us a break. 🙂 We have plenty of homegrown nuts.. But he is just another one of those characters that was awarded a “party favor” by the big money guys. Guess where this one came from.

    The state is PACKED full of these people. And the deck has been stacked by the Koch’s, Karl, ALEC etc. for years..getting ready..the only one of the top traitors that is actually from NC is Art Pope. My congresswoman is from Mich. Her husband is from Ind. they reason she’s my congresswoman is they lumped EIGHT counties together and poured several millions into the race and she still had to have a recount…won by 1475 votes. I wish I could have watched that count. The Governor that has made NC a laughing stock….except to the poor souls that live here is from Ohio. And on and on and on..


  14. Well, technically he’s right, because Swords.

    And yes, I do disagree with the Citizens United ruling!

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Today I was reading the STATESMAN in a doctor’s office. I burst out laughing when I read about STockman challenging Cornyn. I made everyone in the waiting room promise NOT to vote for Stockman. They all agreed. You think I shoulda mentioned Gohmert? Maybe next time. And Rucho. Should I have mentioned HIM? All the little stuff is floating to the top or settling to the bottom, not sure which.

  16. tea-beggary illiteracy is between modal and universal.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    OleScout, the Tea Baggers are so Koched up, they cannot see that their best interests are with the Democratic Party.

    It’s a frenzy thing with them. Maybe when they get over their Koch addiction, they’ll realize the old Republican Party of wars, carrot and stick, trickle down and other lies is not in anyone’s best interest.

    Deficit hawks, war hawks? I call gohmert on those gohmerts. Chicken hawks ready to send innocent kids off to war to subsidize corporations, befoul the planet and send the bill to anyone but themselves.

  18. I can’t find any reports of damage from Nazi, Commie, or Terrorist swords so his drunk twitter could even be true.

  19. Proof that contempt for intelligence leads one to have dumb as(s)pirations.

  20. Mr. Rucho is the sort who takes a sword to s gunfight and engages in a battle of wits while nitwitted.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Yeah but……isn’t there a song about god and glory and his terrible,swift AR-15 or something?

  22. Elise Von Holten says:

    There were swords, and horses, too, in the European battles of WWII.
    It’s hard to envision a dashing horseman without a sword…that being said, I remember a line from “Pacific Overtures” that the Japanese Shogan says to his advisors–(paraphrased) ” What are we to do, beat on their cannons with our swords?”
    As for damage done, one may still duel in Paraguay as long as both participants are blood donors…so not so much. However that mighty pen, can do so much damage–the rule system that we have has precedence in it and since the rule that corporations have the rights of people was done in the 19th century, it has stood unchallenged for a long time…so we got Citizens United, and it’s a mess. We need single payer, with limits on much older people ( Cheneys heart is an awful transgression–wonder who he had hit so he could jump the que?) So much that needs fixing by the pen….

  23. e platypus: that’s the updated version of the “Battle Hymn of the Republicans”.

  24. Amanda Matthews says:

    Where is that most horrible of all the horrible creatures, the one trying to destroy this country through their wicked and immoral behavior? Not even honorable mention for all those sluts who want or who are on birth control?

    This guy’s an amateur.
