Dude, How Many Barlettas Were On The Mayflower?

April 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Congressvarmint Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania didn’t get the memo from headquarters  that Republicans should tone it down about Hispanics.

Not content to let Alaska congressfool Don Young stand alone in stark bigotry, Barletta weighed in on immigration.

“Why are we even talking about a pathway to citizenship when our borders aren’t even close to being secure?” Barletta told The New York Times during a discussion on possible outcomes of the immigration reform debate currently taking place in Washington.

“Let’s not take on any more water on this sinking ship,” he said. “Let’s patch the holes. Then we’ll decide what do we do with all this water that’s here.”

Cheeezzzz … that made “wetback” seem positively moderate.

With every study saying that a path to citizenship would spur economic development, Barletta stands in a pile of manure complaining about the rain.

Thanks to EMoon for the heads up.

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