Duckie Boy Gains Fame!
Okay, so it’s one thing when Texas Congressvarmints make fools of themselves in Texas, but, Honey, when they do it in the Washington Post, it makes my butt itch.
I’ve introduced you to Texas Rep. Blake Farenthold before. He represents the Corpus Christi area and is well known for being goofy as a duck on … I dunno, pajamas?
He’s not terribly bright. He got elected accidentally and then kept his seat through underhanded redistricting.
So, the Washington Post did a nice think-piece on the shutdown and used this sterling example.
So Boehner is keeping Tea Partyers happy as long as possible. This anecdote captures it perfectly:
“We’re more united in the conference now than we’ve ever been,” said Rep. Blake Farenthold, a second-term lawmaker. Eighteen months ago, the speaker “couldn’t pick me out of a lineup,” Farenthold said. “He now blows me kisses.”
So what Farenthold is telling you that he only gained attention and fame by being a total jerk and hurting America. And as you can tell from the picture, attention is very important to him.
But now the bigger question becomes, will his constituents be able to pick him out of a ballot?
And y’all, the thought of John Boehner throwing kisses makes me … somebody grab a garbage can quick!
Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.