Duck! Irony Curve Ball Coming Toward Home Plate

January 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry is in South Carolina on James Island, talking hard about border security, where, of course, that’s a major problem due to Mexicans learning to cross country swim.

Reports say there were dozens of people there, and from the audio recording of the event (on the link above), at least five of them were listening, maybe even two or three more.  Read the whole article about the college senior who was there, mainly concerned about drug policy.  She wants them.  And hell, if I was stuck on an island with Rick Perry, I can hardly blame her.

But, it is this quote that caught everybody’s eye —

“[My father] said you know what, the federal government is supposed to do three things really well, he said they’re supposed to stand the military, he said they’re supposed to defend and secure our borders and they’re supposed to deliver our mail, preferably on Saturdays and on time,” Perry said. “You know two out of three isn’t good enough anymore, ladies and gentlemen.”

Likewise, a Presidential candidate needs to remember three things:  faith, hope, and ….oh crap.

And to add to Rick’s burden of stoopid, he came in third in a Texas Tea Party straw poll.  In his own state.

Thanks to Debbie and Bananas for the heads-up.

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