Y’all, early voting has started in Texas in the Republican runoff election for Lieutenant Governor between David Dewhurst and Dan Patrick, both of who are jerks even by Republican standards.
So, expect the crap to hit the fan. We’ve already seen name-calling, psychiatric records, pictures of men painted blue, and stories of beating up a reporter’s wife. And one candidate felt the need to warn the other that this office is “not God.” Because, dammit, it’s so hard to tell.
The bad thing about this election is that one of them has to win.
The good thing is that Madam Swami Juanita predicted this would be the nastiest race in recent Texas history, and outside the Clayton Williams making rape jokes when he ran against Ann Richards, it pretty much has lived up to expectations.
On the Democratic side, I just got the largest political mailer I have ever seen. It’s from David Alameel, a man I proudly support.
But, I have no idea why he thought I wanted a damn poster of him.
Smart. He’s getting the word out that he is the real deal Democratic Party candidate, while Kesha Rogers is a Lyndon LaRouche variety whack-o-bird posturing under the (D) label.
1Hey, JJ! Its cuz he thinks your special!
2Got a voice mail from his team yesterday and also got an email. Basically stating that his opponent is batsh#$t crazy. Kesha – you can’t fool everyone all the time.
Go David!
3Sounds like he is trying to draw attention to the difference between a Real Dem and a bagger in Democratic clothing. May the Force be with him
4I got one too. I’m not sure if I got it because I voted in the Democratic primary or if they sent one out to everyone in Wharton County. That would be a waste since I’m about the only Democrat in Wharton County.
5maryelle, we need John to draw up a graphic along the line of “K is for Kesha and Krazy” or something to that effect to educate the few low information women voters who might be tempted to vote for her simply because she is a woman. The men too simple to see that, while yes she is a very beautiful woman, but miss the bat guano crazy eyes, make that graphic with a sticky side that can be applied to a slab of concrete to slap those boys into voting with their upper head.
Props to David Alameel. His campaign appears to be threading the needle between negative and getting out the truth about his opponent. Kesha is crazy, but she isn’t stupid, so yes, David is at risk for her to go full metal jacket ‘I am woman.’
6When the mood was anyone, but Harry Reid in NV during his 2010 challenge from Sharron Angle, Senator Reid won. There are some lessons there that might benefit David Alameel on how to take down a crazy woman without offending the women voters. Aw, silly me; he’s a Democrat. He doesn’t need lessons on how to talk with women.
Texas already has Loopy Louie, Kid Canada Ted and beyond his expiration date John Cornyn , you cannot afford Krazy Kesha in 2014. pRick Perry have a love fest with Gov Krispy Critter from NJ in 2016.
Screw the pundits on Kochroach TV. Vote!
7Only reason I can think of why he sent me a poster is because he knows how the stuff piles up on my dining table and no matter what I put on there–overdue library books, old mail–I can still see him and remember to go vote early and not to vote for Kesha.
8Bingo, Marge Wood! Democratic men know how to talk to women. David Alameel wants and deserves your vote. He also needs your help in disseminating the word that his opponent, Kesha Rogers is not a true Democrat nor a sane person.
Apologizing for throwing the burden onto women voters, but the crazy old white guy gun nuts are running about 50-50 against us sane white guys. We need us some strong women to set the country on a sane course.
9Hey, strong, weak, undecided, we’ll take all the women votes we can get. Women in Texas need to get out and vote.
10It’s somewhat restricted, Web, since my husband and I didn’t get one and we’re the other Democrats in Wharton County.
11I got Alameel mailer yesterday.