
May 19, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, early voting has started in Texas in the Republican runoff election for Lieutenant Governor between David Dewhurst and Dan Patrick, both of who are jerks even by Republican standards.

So, expect the crap to hit the fan.  We’ve already seen name-calling, psychiatric records, pictures of men painted blue, and stories of beating up a reporter’s wife.  And one candidate felt the need to warn the other that this office is “not God.”  Because, dammit, it’s so hard to tell.

The bad thing about this election is that one of them has to win.

The good thing is that Madam Swami Juanita predicted this would be the nastiest race in recent Texas history, and outside the Clayton Williams making rape jokes when he ran against Ann Richards, it pretty much has lived up to expectations.

On the Democratic side, I just got the largest political mailer I have ever seen.  It’s from David Alameel, a man I proudly support.


But, I have no idea why he thought I wanted a damn poster of him.

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