
January 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry’s first suggestion to stop gun violence at schools was to pray.  Obviously, either you didn’t pray or that didn’t work.  I know that because there was a gunfight at a college near Houston yesterday.  So, it’s either your fault or Rick Perry is an idiot.  I’m going with the idiot.

Two students, both carrying weapons, started shooting at each other.  An innocent bystander was hurt.  Okay, I have to be honest here and tell you that when I die I want to be real old, real sick, or doing something worth dying for.  I do not want “innocent bystander” anywhere in my obituary.  That’s looking increasingly  unlikely in Texas.

I was out of pocket last night, but I got text messages from friends telling me to turn on the teevee because the entire Texas Republican Party was strutting tail feathers and horse hockey in public by saying that the new solution to gun violence on college campuses is to arm everybody.

Increasingly, I am of the opinion that they all own stock in funeral homes.

Let’s say I’m sitting in American Lit 301 and a gunfight breaks out between the two guys on the back row and bullets are flying around like a pinball machine.  Help me here:  how am I supposed to know which one is the good guy and which one is the bad guy?  Are we going to require them to wear white or black hats?   Is one of them required to go Beep Beep like the roadrunner or say, “Luke, I am your father”?

So, I figure this is my one grand opportunity to shoot Betty Sue on the front row because she stole my boyfriend and ruins the curve on every test.  I could shoot her and then just say, “oops.”  I take aim and then realize that Betty Sue has an assault rifle the size of Vermont and is pondering whether to shoot me or either one of the guys in the back.  Dewayne, who left his gun at home that day, throws himself on the floor like some sort of table arrangement at a picnic and trips the security guard coming in the door which luckily for me is a good thing because that is when I realize that I am not only wearing all black that day but am making strange beep-beep sounds.

I hate Texas Republicans.  I really do.  The last damn thing we need is armed students at colleges. That is what caused the mess yesterday.  That is not what solved it.

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