Drone Hunting
There’s some weird stuff in Colorado.
Now I ain’t saying this has anything to do with legalizing weed in Colorado, but I ain’t saying it doesn’t, either.
A small Colorado town is considering whether to issue hunting licenses that would offer residents a bounty for shooting down unnamed drones operated by the U.S. government.
Deer Trail resident Phillip Steel told KMGH that he had already collected enough signatures to put his proposed measure on the ballot.
“We do not want drones in town,” Steel explained. “They fly in town, they get shot down.”
Dude, think physics. If that sucker is coming down, it’s coming down somedamnplace. Like maybe on top of me. I mean, you shoot a dove and that’s not gonna hurt real bad if it comes falling outta the clear blue sky and hits me. A drone, maybe. In fact, I’m betting it would. I’m pretty sure it would.
Steel wants to pay money for drone pelts. “To qualify for the $100 bounty, hunters would have to present a whole or nearly intact drone. But drone parts would be worth $25.” I do not know is taxidermy is permitted.
Although Steel admits that he has not seen a drone flying over Deer Trail, Customs and Border Protection does fly Predator drones on surveillance missions over the U.S. border. Those drones come at a cost of about $18 million each — and the destruction of federal property is against the law.
Chezzz …. Steel is a cheapskate, ain’t he? $100 in exchange for $18 million? Does he run WalMart or something?
Do not hunt these with Dick Cheney.
Yeah, it’s the weed. Gotta be the weed.
Thanks to Irene for the heads up.