Doom, Gloom, and What The Hell Was He Thinking?

February 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz has recruited Rick Perry to head up organizing veterans for Cruz.

Hell yeah, let’s get those veterans onboard with Texas Republicans, who cut provisions of the Hazelwood Act and tried to do it the day before Memorial Day.  The Hazelwood Act provided tuition assistance at state universities to veterans and any unused portion was passed to their children.  Which, of course, Republicans saw as the end of modern civilization.

You can bet your sweet patootie that Rick was promised a cushy job as head of veteran’s affairs if Cruz is president.  Rick has been out of work for some time now and being as how he’s never had a real job in his whole damn life, the boy is kinda desperate.

Keep the Promise to Veterans was officially formed Thursday, according to records with the Federal Election Commission. It is listed as affiliated with three other pro-Cruz super PACs organized under the Keep the Promise umbrella.

It was not immediately clear who plans to fund Keep the Promise to Veterans, which appears to be part of the same network of pro-Cruz super PACs that entered 2016 with almost $30 million in the bank. Walt said no money had been deposited in the Keep the Promise to Veterans’ account as of Friday morning.

Well, at least Cruz is smart enough not to give Rick Perry access to any money.  Spending money on himself is the only damn thing he’s any good at.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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