Doom and Gloom
Thelma, who is a provisional member of the Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Club, is all gleeful about the latest polling saying that the GOP is gonna win everything in the 2010 election, including, but not limited to, the entire House of Representatives.
Juanita refuses to believe that voters are that slack-jawed knuckle-dragging crack-smokin’ stoopid. Sometimes she forgets that the Teabaggers are so brain deficient that they are generally charged half price by a mindreader.
“In eight years those fools broke the country,” she recalls. “Broke it. Wiped it out. Stomped on it. We didn’t fix their mess in two years so everybody wants to give it back to them? Hell, what’s left they can break? Social Security? Medicare?”
“Yeah, I think that’s the point, Juanita,” Verdelia chirped in. “They left some destruction undone.”
“Letting Republicans run the country is like trying to shoot pool with a rope. Nothing gets accomplished and it even gets boring to watch after a while,” Juanita says.“If we lose in November,” Juanita says, “I want to see some resignations of political consultants from the White House down. We need to find us some ornery cusses who are mean as a bulldog on a gunpowder diet. I mean it.”